FOTO: BIZARNA ULIČNA PARADA S TIJELOM SADDAMOVE DESNE RUKE 'Kralj tref' nakon 12 godina vratio se u Bagdad

The body of a man who is believed to be Saddam Hussein's long-fugitive deputy Izzat Ibrahim al-Duri is handed over by the Ketaeb Hezbollah paramilitary group to Iraqi authorities for further testing, on April 20, 2015 in Baghdad's Karada disctrict. Ketaeb Hezbollah -- one of the most powerful militias fighting alongside government forces against the Islamic State (IS) jihadist group -- delivered the body in a heavily armed convoy of dozens of vehicles to a blocked-off section of street in central Baghdad. Killing Duri -- who was vice president at the time of the 2003 US-led invasion and has for years been the most senior member of Saddam's regime still at large -- would be a major victory for Baghdad. AFP PHOTO / SABAH ARAR

Tijelo bivše desne ruke Saddama Husseina, Izzata Ibrahima al-Durija (72), predano je iračkim vlastima na daljnju obradu. Članovi paravojne organizacije Hezbollaha koja se uz vladine snage bori protiv Islamske Države, iznijeli su Izzata Ibrahima al-Durija u staklenom lijesu iz jednog od desetak vozila u teško naoružanom konvoju koji je blokirao centar Bagdada.

Iračke vlasti kazale su kako je Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri poginuo boreći se protiv vladinih snaga sjeverno od Bagdada u petak.

Masked members of Iraq's Shiite Ketaeb Hezbollah paramilitary group hold their weapons as their convoy arrive in Baghdad's Karada disctrict to deliver the body of a man who is believed to be Saddam Hussein's long-fugitive deputy Izzat Ibrahim al-Duri to Iraqi authorities for further testing, on April 20, 2015. Killing Duri -- who was vice president at the time of the 2003 US-led invasion and has for years been the most senior member of Saddam's regime still at large -- would be a major victory for Baghdad. Ketaeb Hezbollah says the man killed by pro-government forces on April 17 was Duri, but he had previously been reported dead only to resurface in audio and video messages. AFP PHOTO / SABAH ARAR

Danas je tijelo vraćeno u Bagdad i prevezeno u Ministarstvo zdravstva dok se gomila okupila što je bliže mogla kako bi vidjeli taj događaj, a sve je prenosila nacionalna televizija.

Al-Douri (72), vođa Naqshbandi vojske, bio je na američkom popisu najtraženijih Iračana, popularno zvanom 'Špil 55', a nosio je nadimak 'Kralj tref'. Nakon pada Saddama, Douri je proveo čitavo desetljeće kao bjegunac te su mnogi vjerovali da je mrtav, prije nego što se ponovo pojavio kao duhovni vođa pokreta nastalog s ciljem vraćanja Ba'ath stranke na vlast.

TOPSHOTSGRAPHIC CONTENTThe body of a man who is believed to be Saddam Hussein's long-fugitive deputy Izzat Ibrahim al-Duri is seen in a container as it arrives for DNA testing by Iraqi authorities in Baghdad's Karada disctrict, on April 20, 2015. Iraq is to test the body of the man killed on April17, 2015 by pro-government forces to determine if it is that of Duri. It is "95 percent (certain) that the body which we killed today belongs to Izzat al-Duri," army Staff Lieutenant General Abdulamir al-Zaidi said. AFP PHOTO / SABAH ARAR

Al-Dourijeva smrt snažan je udarac militantima pošto se vjeruje kako je imao snažan utjecaj na uzdizanje Islamske države Iraka i Levanta.

Njegova je kći bila udana za Saddamovog starijeg sina, kojeg su zajedno s bratom ubile američke snage u Mosulu 2003. godine.

Fotografija njegove krvave ranjene glave bez zuba i s narančastom bradom pojavila se već u petak na društvenim medijima.

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22. rujan 2024 01:16