Profimedia, Mega Agency
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Za parkić joj ne trebaju šminka ni frizura: Djeca su Halle Berry na prvome mjestu

Halle Berry je velika holivudska zvijezda, ali u privatnom životu su joj najvažnija djeca i dok je s njima, ne mari za glamurozna pojavljivanja.

Halle Berry je velika holivudska zvijezda, ali u privatnom životu su joj najvažnija djeca i dok je s njima, ne mari za glamurozna pojavljivanja.

Bio je to čaroban vikend za desetogodišnju kći i četverogodišnjeg sinčića glumice Halle Berry - s mamom su posjetili Disneyland i zabave nije nedostajalo! Jedan od najzabavnijih trenutaka dječačiću Maceu je definitivno bio skok u 'pravi' automobil, i to na vozačevo mjesto. Mama Halle bila je tek suvozačica dok je on hrabro držao volan i stiskao gas!

S djecom je slavna glumica obišla razne atrakcije ovog zabavnog parka, ponajviše s Maceom, jer je glumičina kći Nahla kojoj je deset godina, povela i prijateljice te se svako malo odvojila od majke i brata.

** PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE RATES APPLY ** Halle Berry lets her son Maceo take the wheel on the Autopia ride at Disneyland as she enjoys a day with her kids at the happiest place on earth. Halle was seen enjoy many of the park's attractions at disneyland including rides in fantasyland, and Tomorrowland. Maceo was seen really enjoying a ride on the Autopia ride, steering them through the ride. Nahla was seen riding alone and spending times with friends that also came along for the Easter Weekend trip. 
Halle Sported a red dye job on her bangs and wore no make up to the theme park

***SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS*** Please pixelate children's faces before publication.***.
01 Apr 2018, Image: 367569584, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency

Halle Berry pojavila se u vrlo svakodnevnom izdanju, daleko od glamura na crvenim tepisima, ali u simpatičnoj street style kombinaciji. U podvinutim poderanim trapericama, ravnim kaubojskim čizmicama te jednostavnoj sivoj majici s ružičastim natpisom 'feminin' na prsima, izgledala je vrlo trendi i prije svega opušteno.

Nahlu je Halle Berry dobila s bivšim partnerom, modelom Gabrielom Aubryjem s kojim je bila u vezi od 2005. do travnja 2010. godine. Kasnije te iste godine na setu filma 'Dark Tide' već je upoznala sadašnjeg supruga Olivera Martineza za kojeg se zaručila 2012. godine, a udala 2013. u Francuskoj. U braku su dobili sina Macea.

** PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE RATES APPLY ** Halle Berry lets her son Maceo take the wheel on the Autopia ride at Disneyland as she enjoys a day with her kids at the happiest place on earth. Halle was seen enjoy many of the park's attractions at disneyland including rides in fantasyland, and Tomorrowland. Maceo was seen really enjoying a ride on the Autopia ride, steering them through the ride. Nahla was seen riding alone and spending times with friends that also came along for the Easter Weekend trip. 
Halle Sported a red dye job on her bangs and wore no make up to the theme park

***SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS*** Please pixelate children's faces before publication.***.
01 Apr 2018, Image: 367569137, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency

** PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE RATES APPLY ** Halle Berry lets her son Maceo take the wheel on the Autopia ride at Disneyland as she enjoys a day with her kids at the happiest place on earth. Halle was seen enjoy many of the park's attractions at disneyland including rides in fantasyland, and Tomorrowland. Maceo was seen really enjoying a ride on the Autopia ride, steering them through the ride. Nahla was seen riding alone and spending times with friends that also came along for the Easter Weekend trip. 
Halle Sported a red dye job on her bangs and wore no make up to the theme park

***SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS*** Please pixelate children's faces before publication.***.
01 Apr 2018, Image: 367569587, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency

12. ožujak 2025 23:19