Tragedija na vjenčanju: U napadu minobacačem 20 poginulih

A wounded Afghan woman (C) is brought to the hospital in Helmand province early on January 1, 2015 after a rocket fired during fighting between Afghan forces and insurgents killed at least 15 wedding guests late on December 31. Most of the victims were women and children in the attack in Helmand's Sangin district, a Taliban stronghold where the US and British troops were involved in years of fierce fighting until the NATO withdrawal. AFP PHOTO / Noor Mohammad

KABUL - U eksploziji na vjenčanju u južnom dijelu Afghanistana ubijeno je najmanje 20 osoba, među kojima su žene i djeca, a ranjeno 45, priopćili su u četvrtak dužnosnici.

"Do eksplozije je došlo na vjenčanju u okrugu Sangin district u srijedu navečer", kazao je Omar Zwak, glasnogovornik guvernera južne pokrajine Helmanda.

"Poslali smo u to područje skupinu istražitelja."

Lokalni mediji prenose da se radi o talibanskom napadu minobacačem na sudionike vjenčanja.

Sangin jedan od nesigurnijih okruga u pokrajini Helmand i služi kao izvor financiranja talibana zahvaljujući rastućem uzgoju maka.

Nasilje se pojačalo u Afghanistanu 2014. sa službenim završetkom 13-ogodišnje misije NATO-a.

A wounded Afghan child arrives at the hospital in Helmand province early on January 1, 2015, injured when a rocket fired during fighting between Afghan forces and insurgents killed at least 15 wedding guests late on December 31. Most of the victims were women and children in the attack in Helmand's Sangin district, a Taliban stronghold where the US and British troops were involved in years of fierce fighting until the NATO withdrawal. AFP PHOTO / Noor Mohammad

A wounded Afghan woman (C) is brought to the hospital in Helmand province early on January 1, 2015 after a rocket fired during fighting between Afghan forces and insurgents killed at least 15 wedding guests late on December 31. Most of the victims were women and children in the attack in Helmand's Sangin district, a Taliban stronghold where the US and British troops were involved in years of fierce fighting until the NATO withdrawal. AFP PHOTO / Noor Mohammad

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