Švicarci izglasali progon stranih državljana koji počine kazneno djelo

Demonstrator hold a banner reading 'Crime is racism' during a demonstration against a referendum to automatically expel foreign residents from Switzerland if convicted of certain crimes on November 28, 2010 in Geneva. Switzerland endorsed a far-right push to automatically expel foreign residents convicted of certain crimes, poll results from 25 out of 26 cantons show. With only results from the small canton of Solothurn to come, the initiative put forward by the Swiss People's Party was approved by 52.7 percent of voters, while 47.3 percent were against. The initiative, which was been criticised by human rights campaigners, came exactly a year after the country shocked the world by approving a ban on the construction of minarets. AFP PHOTO / FABRICE COFFRINI

Građani Švicarske referendumom su se izjasnili za pooštrenje mjera za izgon useljenika koji počine kazneno djelo.

Pokazali su podaci nakon prebrojavanja svih glasova u 26 kantona. Više od polovice Švicaraca, točnije njih 52,9 posto glasovalo je za oštriju politiku izgona stranih počinitelja kaznenih djela. Protiv je bilo 47,1 posto.

Prema prijedlogu švicarske narodne stranke (SVP), svi stranci koji, primjerice, ubiju, siluju ili pak oštete sustav socijalnog osiguranja, bit će protjerani iz zemlje.

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05. listopad 2024 04:29