SMRT TURIZMA U JADRANSKOM BISERU Ukrašene palače, luksuzni hoteli i kulturne institucije zatvorene su, a sa slavnog trga nestali su čak i golubovi


Sa slavnoga Trga svetog Marka nestali su i golubovi. Zašto bi dolazili kad ih nema tko hraniti? Otjerani koronavirusom, inozemni turisti napustili su Veneciju, jedan od najdražih im talijanskih gradova. Mnogi mještani žele da se vrate.

"Venecija je bez turista mrtav grad", kaže 66-godišnji gondolijer Mauro Sambo, koji se tim poslom bavi od 1975.

Gondoliers wearing a face mask ride a gondola by the San Toma embankment on a Venice canal as they resume service on May 18, 2020 during the country's lockdown aimed at curbing the spread of the COVID-19 infection, caused by the novel coronavirus. - Restaurants and churches reopen in Italy on May 18, 2020 as part of a fresh wave of lockdown easing in Europe and the country's latest step in a cautious, gradual return to normality, allowing businesses and churches to reopen after a two-month lockdown. (Photo by ANDREA PATTARO / AFP)

"Čak i s ovim mjerama popuštanja, tko će na plovidbu gondolom? To rade stranci, ne domaći", pripovijeda bradati gondolijer čisteći svoju gondolu usidrenu u blizini Duždeve palače. Talijanska vlada najavila je da će granice otvoriti tek 3. lipnja.

TOPSHOT - A gondolier wearing a face mask (Rear) transports his very first customer as service resumes at the San Toma embankment on a Venice canal on May 18, 2020 during the country's lockdown aimed at curbing the spread of the COVID-19 infection, caused by the novel coronavirus. - Restaurants and churches reopen in Italy on May 18, 2020 as part of a fresh wave of lockdown easing in Europe and the country's latest step in a cautious, gradual return to normality, allowing businesses and churches to reopen after a two-month lockdown. (Photo by ANDREA PATTARO / AFP)

Oko Canala Grande mrtva je tišina. Ukrašene palače s obje strane kanale, luksuzni hoteli i kulturne institucije zatvorene su.

Turizam u talijanskom BDP-u sudjeluje s 13 posto. U tom sektoru je i 15 posto svih radnih mjesta u zemlji. U Veneciji je to mnogo izraženije. Čak 65 posto građana radi u turizmu.

Gondoliers wearing a face mask resume service at the San Toma embankment on a Venice canal on May 18, 2020 during the country's lockdown aimed at curbing the spread of the COVID-19 infection, caused by the novel coronavirus. - Restaurants and churches reopen in Italy on May 18, 2020 as part of a fresh wave of lockdown easing in Europe and the country's latest step in a cautious, gradual return to normality, allowing businesses and churches to reopen after a two-month lockdown. (Photo by ANDREA PATTARO / AFP)

"Utjecaj koronavirusa na inozemne dolaske, koji čine 85 posto turizma u gradu, pogubniji je nego u drugim odredištima koji imaju više domaćih od stranih turista", rekla je Paola Mar iz gradskog turističkog ureda.

Preživjet ćemo

"Ovo je rat, a preživjeli smo ratove i prije", tvrdi 47-godišnji građevinar Francesco Pecin.

A gondolier wearing a face mask resumes service at the San Toma embankment on a Venice canal on May 18, 2020 during the country's lockdown aimed at curbing the spread of the COVID-19 infection, caused by the novel coronavirus. - Restaurants and churches reopen in Italy on May 18, 2020 as part of a fresh wave of lockdown easing in Europe and the country's latest step in a cautious, gradual return to normality, allowing businesses and churches to reopen after a two-month lockdown. (Photo by ANDREA PATTARO / AFP)

"Prebrodit ćemo ovo zahvaljujući našem poduzetničkom duhu", dodaje Pecin kojeg su novinari zatekli u šetnji pokraj Mosta uzdaha.

"Ali turizam nam je nužan."

S njim se slaže i 61-godišnji zlatar Enrico Facchetti.

"Grad svoje gospodarstvo temelji na turizmu. Možda je to pogreška, no nismo imali izbora".

Venecija je kroz svoju povijest bila otvoren grad. Njezina maritimna ekonomija prihvaćala je trgovce svih vrsta i ta je otvorenost gradu donijela napedak i prestiž.

Gondoliers wearing a face mask stand on a gondola on a Venice canal as they resume their service on May 18, 2020 during the country's lockdown aimed at curbing the spread of the COVID-19 infection, caused by the novel coronavirus. - Restaurants and churches reopen in Italy on May 18, 2020 as part of a fresh wave of lockdown easing in Europe and the country's latest step in a cautious, gradual return to normality, allowing businesses and churches to reopen after a two-month lockdown. (Photo by ANDREA PATTARO / AFP)

"Povijesno, Venecija je svjetski, kozmopolitski grad", kaže Facchetti.

"Pogledajte ovu baziliku", dodaje pokazujući na ckrvu svetog Marka.

"Ona je u bizantskom stilu, brončani konji na zabatu stigli su iz Carigrada".

Ima i onih koji unatoč krizi misle drugačije. Na velikom plakatu izvješenom na jednoj zgradi piše: "Siti smo noćenja s doručkom!".

Vlasti godinama zanemaruju svoje građane. Venecija sa širim gradskim prstenom ima 260 tisuća stanovnika, ali od toga ih manje od petine živi u povijesnom centru.

Italian glass artist Davide Penso poses in his studio on May 18, 2020 in Murano during the country's lockdown aimed at curbing the spread of the COVID-19 infection, caused by the novel coronavirus. - Restaurants and churches reopen in Italy on May 18, 2020 as part of a fresh wave of lockdown easing in Europe and the country's latest step in a cautious, gradual return to normality, allowing businesses and churches to reopen after a two-month lockdown. (Photo by ANDREA PATTARO / AFP)

Odljev stanovnika na kopno, gdje su cijene niže, a život ugodniji, ne prestaje. Čak je i na otoku Muranu, slavnom po proizvodnji stakla, jedan staklarski obrt pretvoren u hotel-restoran.

A craftsman fuses glass in a kiln at the Gambero and Tagliapietra glass art products manufacturer on May 18, 2020 in Murano during the country's lockdown aimed at curbing the spread of the COVID-19 infection, caused by the novel coronavirus. - Restaurants and churches reopen in Italy on May 18, 2020 as part of a fresh wave of lockdown easing in Europe and the country's latest step in a cautious, gradual return to normality, allowing businesses and churches to reopen after a two-month lockdown. (Photo by ANDREA PATTARO / AFP)

"Nema više tradicionalnih zanata", kaže poduzetnik Dimitri Tiozzo. Unatoč svim prigovorima, povratak turista je prioritet, kaže Mar.

Prisjetila se i povijesno visokih poplava s kraja prošle godine, koje su gradu nanijele milijune eura štete.

"Ovaj grad pati od studenoga", rekla je.

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27. rujan 2024 23:50