PRED VUČIĆEVIM UREDOM ODRŽAN PROSVJED Okupilo se nekoliko stotina građana, on tvrdi da je zabrinut jer nije poštovana preporuka o zabrani skupova


U Beogradu je u četvrtak navečer ispred ureda predsjednika Srbije održan jednosatni prosvjed protiv vlasti šefa države Aleksandra Vučića, a okončan je bez incidenata.

Prosvjed je organiziran kao nastavak akcije "Bukom protiv diktature", koja je prethodno, zbog policijskog sata, nekoliko dana trajala iz stanova, balkona i terasa, odakle su građani bukom pokazivali nezadovoljstvo potezima vlasti tijekom epidemije koronavirusa.

Opposition supporters attend a protest against Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in front of the Presidential palace building in Belgrade, on May 7, 2020. - As Serbia's coronavirus curfew is lifted hundreds defy restrictions on mass gatherings to bang pots and blow whistles in a protest against Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, who is accused of authoritarianism. Under weeks of curfew the protesters had been leading the noise protest from their balconies. This week Vucic announced that general elections which had been postponed due to the coronavirus will now be held on June 21, 2020. (Photo by Andrej ISAKOVIC / AFP)

Ispred ureda šefa države okupilo se nekoliko stotina građana, te pojedini čelnici stranaka iz oporbenog Saveza za Srbiju, a prosvjed je počeo pljeskom zahvalnosti liječnicima i zdravstvenom sustavu za borbu s Covidom-19, da bi se nastavio bukom: zviždaljkama, trubama i povicima "Ua Vučiću", "Uhitite Vučića", "Vučiću liječi se", "Vučiću lopove".

Zgradu Predsjedništva osiguravali su pripadnici specijalne vojne postrojbe "Kobre", koji su dio sigurnosnog sustava predsjednika Republike, te skupina privatnih zaštitara, a nakon sat vremena skup je završen mirno i okupljeni su se razišli.

Bosko Obradovic (C - blowing in a whistle), leader of Serbia's Dveri political movement, along with opposition supporters attends a protest against Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in front of the Presidential palace building in Belgrade on May 7, 2020. - As Serbia's coronavirus curfew is lifted hundreds defy restrictions on mass gatherings to bang pots and blow whistles in a protest against Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, who is accused of authoritarianism. Under weeks of curfew the protesters had been leading the noise protest from their balconies. This week Vucic announced that general elections which had been postponed due to the coronavirus will now be held on June 21, 2020. (Photo by Andrej ISAKOVIC / AFP)

Komentirajući prosvjedni skup, Vučić je večeras na početku gostovanja u emisiji "Ćirilica" komercijalne TV Happy, rekao kako ga nije zabrinuo prosvjed i poruke sudionika "jer nije čuo nikakav program, samo uvrede".

Zabrinut je jer su se, kako je rekao, ljudi okupili ne poštivajući savjete liječnika o izbjegavanju skupova i socijalnih kontakata.

Opposition supporters attend a protest against Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in front of the Presidential palace building in Belgrade, on May 7, 2020. - As Serbia's coronavirus curfew is lifted hundreds defy restrictions on mass gatherings to bang pots and blow whistles in a protest against Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, who is accused of authoritarianism. Under weeks of curfew the protesters had been leading the noise protest from their balconies. This week Vucic announced that general elections which had been postponed due to the coronavirus will now be held on June 21, 2020. (Photo by Andrej ISAKOVIC / AFP)

"Uvijek se radujem tim demonstracijama jer ponekad možete čuti i nešto korisno, da nešto niste dobro napravili. Ja nemam problem s demonstracijama i lupanjem u lonce", rekao je Vučić.

U Srbiji je četvrtak 7. svibnja, poslije ukidanja izvanrednog stanja uvedenog 15. ožujka zbog pandemije koronavirusa, prvi dan bez policijskog sata i zabrane kretanja starijim od 65 godina.

An opposition supporter attends a protest against Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in front of the Presidential palace building in Belgrade, on May 7, 2020. - As Serbia's coronavirus curfew is lifted hundreds defy restrictions on mass gatherings to bang pots and blow whistles in a protest against Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, who is accused of authoritarianism. Under weeks of curfew the protesters had been leading the noise protest from their balconies. This week Vucic announced that general elections which had been postponed due to the coronavirus will now be held on June 21, 2020. (Photo by Andrej ISAKOVIC / AFP)

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