POČELA NOVA ISTRAGA U SLUČAJU MCCANN Za nestalom Madeleine tragaju psi, radari i letjelice

Police investigating the disappearance of British girl Madeleine McCann work in Praia da Luz, near Lagos on June 2, 2014 searching the area of scrubland near the holiday apartment in Portugal where she vanished seven years ago. The joint Portuguese-British operation could last up to a week, and take in three different patches of land, according to Portuguese media reports. AFP FRANCISCO LEONG

LISABON - Britansko-portugalski stručnjaci zaduženi za novu istragu u slučaju male Britanke Madeleine McCann, nestale u svibnju 2007., u utorak su pokrenuli potrage uz pomoć pasa tragača na području blizu Praia da Luz, na jugu Portugala.

Portugalski i britanski policajci s dva psa tragača, žutim su trakama tijekom jutra odredili parametre, javlja AFP. Nakon tih označavanja, pretrage bi trebale trajati sljedećih dana, precizirao je dužnosnik pravosudne policije za agenciju Lusa.

A policeman investigating the disappearance of British girl Madeleine McCann works searching the area of scrubland near the holiday apartment in Praia da Luz, near Lagos on June 3, 2014 where she vanished seven years ago. The joint Portuguese-British operation could last up to a week, and take in three different patches of land, according to Portuguese media reports. AFP FRANCISCO LEONG

Foto: AFP

Četrdesetak portugalskih i britanskih policajaca mobilizirano je za istragu na području ljetovališta Praia da Luz, oko 700 metara od hotelskog kompleksa iz kojeg je nestala Maddie.

Police investigating the disappearance of British girl Madeleine McCann work with a sniffer dog searching the area of scrubland near the holiday apartment in Praia da Luz, near Lagos on June 3, 2014 where she vanished seven years ago. The joint Portuguese-British operation could last up to a week, and take in three different patches of land, according to Portuguese media reports. AFP FRANCISCO LEONG

Foto: AFP

Inspektori Scotland Yarda i njihovi portugalski kolege u ponedjeljak su pokrenuli tu operaciju tijekom koje kane pretražiti terene pomoću radara na kopnu i letjelica.

Police investigating the disappearance of British girl Madeleine McCann work with a sniffer dog searching the area of scrubland near the holiday apartment in Praia da Luz, near Lagos on June 3, 2014 where she vanished seven years ago. The joint Portuguese-British operation could last up to a week, and take in three different patches of land, according to Portuguese media reports. AFP FRANCISCO LEONG

Foto: AFP

Madeleine McCann, nestala je u svibnju 2007. kada je imala nepune četiri godine dok su njezini roditelji večerali s prijateljima u restoranu pokraj apartmana u kojem su boravili u Praia da Luz.

Nakon 14 mjeseci sporne istrage, portugalska policija zatvorila je slučaj, no lani su britanske i portugalske vlasti odlučile ponovo otvoriti istragu.

Mark Rowley, jedan od britanskih inspektora zaduženih za aferu, nedavno je objasnio da se istragom sustavno prate sve vjerodostojne pretpostavke.

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22. rujan 2024 11:19