PARIŠKI MOST URUŠIO SE POD LJUBAVNIM LOKOTIMA 'Posljedice su mogle biti katastrofalne'

A photo taken on June 9, 2014 shows 'love padlocks' attached to a fence of the Pont des Arts bridge over the Seine river in Paris. Thousands of 'locks of love' attached to the footbridge caused part of the railing to collapse, forcing an evacuation on June 8. Thousands of lovers from across the world visit the Pont des Arts every year and seal their love by attaching a lock carrying their names to its railing and throwing the key in the Seine. The phenomenon has become something of a headache for officials in the City of Light, who would prefer something that poses fewer problems of security and aesthetics. AFP PHOTO /JACQUES DEMARTHON

Turisti u Parizu evakuirani su s jednog od najpoznatijih mostova francuske metropole nakon što se počeo urušavati pod prevelikim teretom 'ljubavi', odnosno pod težinom tisuću ljubavnih lokota koje zaljubljeni parovi zaključavaju na ogradi Pont des Artsa.

Dio mosta sagrađenog 1804. godine, te ponovno 1980-te nakon što je uništen u bombardiranju tijekom dva svjetska rata, urušio se u nedjelju navečer, a policija je zapečatila mjesto.

- Metalna rešetka pala je prema unutra, a ne u rijeku. Da je slučajno pala na brod u prolazu, posljedice su mogle biti katastrofalne. No ovako nitko nije ozlijeđen. Most je evakuiran i bit će otvoren najranije u ponedjeljak ujutro - kazao je glasnogovornik lokalne policije.

A photo taken on June 9, 2014 shows 'love padlocks' attached to a fence of the Pont des Arts bridge over the Seine river in Paris. Thousands of 'locks of love' attached to the footbridge caused part of the railing to collapse, forcing an evacuation on June 8. Thousands of lovers from across the world visit the Pont des Arts every year and seal their love by attaching a lock carrying their names to its railing and throwing the key in the Seine. The phenomenon has become something of a headache for officials in the City of Light, who would prefer something that poses fewer problems of security and aesthetics. AFP PHOTO /JACQUES DEMARTHON

Uslijed događaja sve je više poziva koji zahtijevaju da se postavljanje lokota - što je hit i u ostalim glavnim gradovima Europe - zabrani. To je, naime, postala uobičajena praksa turista koji kupe lokot, napišu na njemu svoja imena, zaključaju ga za most i bace ključ u rijeku, u ovom slučaju - u Seinu.

- Ovo je izmaklo kontroli. Ljudi se penju po uličnim svjetiljkama, vise preko ograde i riskiraju svoje živote kako bi objesili lokote. To je postala jedna vrsta manije, nije više romantično, stvar je samo u tome da mogu reći 'Učinio sam to' - kazala je Amerikanka Lisa Anselmo, koja je zajedno s kolegicom Lisom Taylor Huff započela kampanju 'Not Love Locks'.

A photo taken on June 9, 2014 shows 'love padlocks' attached to a fence of the Pont des Arts bridge over the Seine river in Paris. Thousands of 'locks of love' attached to the footbridge caused part of the railing to collapse, forcing an evacuation on June 8. Thousands of lovers from across the world visit the Pont des Arts every year and seal their love by attaching a lock carrying their names to its railing and throwing the key in the Seine. The phenomenon has become something of a headache for officials in the City of Light, who would prefer something that poses fewer problems of security and aesthetics. AFP PHOTO /JACQUES DEMARTHON

Nekoć je Pont des Arts smatran jako romantičnim mostom zbog 'najljepšeg pogleda u gradu', no mnogi mještani komentiraju kako je zbog lokota postao obično turističko mjesto.

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03. listopad 2024 22:38