NESRETNA DJEVOJKA PALA S VISINE OD 15 METARA Studentica poginula snimajući selfie na mostu

Pic shows: Sylwia Rajchel died after she fell from a bridge while taking a "selfie".A pretty Polish medical student died after she fell 15ft from a bridge while taking a "selfie".The victim - a tourist on holiday in Spain - had been trying to take a photo of herself when she slipped and fell, crashing onto the concrete footings of the bridge supports of the famous "Puente de Triana" bridge in the southern Spanish city of Seville.Police said Sylwia Rajchel, 23, from the city of Lublin in eastern Poland, was balancing on the ledge of the bridge when the accident happened just after midnight.Sylwia studied nursing at the University of Medicine in Posada, a village in southern Poland.Her distraught mum Bernadeta, 44, said: "Going to Spain was a dream come true for my daughter."She had taught herself the language and was hoping to work there in the future after finishing her studies."She was a beautiful, smiling girl who had her whole life ahead of her."It's hard to believe whats happened, that I will never see Sylvia again."That I wont hug her and will never be able to tell her how much I love her and how proud I was of her."It breaks my heart, I feel this is nightmare that is not happening."A city spokesman said: "This was a tragic accident and we are looking to make that stretch of boulevard along the river safer."Medics said that they had managed to revive her at the scene despite the fact that she had gone into cardiac arrest, and she was then rushed to the Hospital of Traumatology where her condition was described as "very grave". Polish media however has since reported that she has died, and her father is already in the country to collect the body.The Triana Bridge - one of the most photographed landmarks in Seville - is a popular haunt for tourists alongside the river.It was built in the middle of the 19th century and is surrounded by bars, restaurants and clubs.(ends)
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SEVILLA Poljska studentica poginula je u padu s mosta dok je snimala selfie. Poljakinja je bila na odmoru u Španjolskoj. Na slavnom mostu Puente de Triana u Sevilli namještala se uz ogradu kako bi snimila što bolji selfie, pritom se okliznula i pala s visine od 15 metara.

Španjolska policija je objavila kako je Sylwia Rajchel (23) balansirala na ogradi mosta u gluho doba noći, a prilikom pada udarila je u betonsko postolje jednog od nosećih stupova.

Sylwia je studirala za medicinsku sestru na jugu Poljske i učila španjolski planirajući preseliti na jug Europe po završetku školovanja.

'Sama je naučila španjolski i nadala se kako će tamo pronaći posao', kaže Sylwijina majka, Bernardeta.

'Bila je prekrasna, nasmiješena djevojka pred kojom je bio cijeli život', žali neutješna majka. 'Nikad je više neću moći zagrliti i reći joj koliko je volim te koliko sam ponosna na nju.'

Glasnogovornik gradskih vlasti Seville priznao je kako taj dio mosta nije previše siguran: 'Dogodila se tragična nesreća i mi planirano taj dio šetnice pored rijeke učiniti sigurnijim'.

Hitna pomoć uspjela je na licu mjesta reanimirati Sylwiju koja je u kritičnom stanju potom otpremljena u bolnicu. Nažalost, djevojka je ubrzo podlegla ozljedama, a njen otac je otputovao u Španjolsku kako bi preuzeo njeno tijelo.

Puenta de Triana popularno je turističko odredište u Sevilli. Most je izgrađen sredinom 19. stoljeća i okružen je brojnim barovima, restoranima i noćnim klubovima.

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29. rujan 2024 08:11