FRIZERSKI SALONI U DANSKOJ PONOVNO OTVORILI VRATA Pogledajte kako to kod njih izgleda: Nema ni maski ni socijalne distance, ali sve se dezinficira

Otvoreni frizerski saloni u Danskoj

Frizerski saloni u Danskoj otvorili su u ponedjeljak svoja vrata kako bi popravili katastrofe od pokušaja kućnog šišanja i dali nadu ostalim Europljanima da se i njihovim zapuštenim frizurama bliži kraj.

"Iduća dva tjedna smo prebukirani", kazao je frizer Erik Bjornsson iz salona u samom središtu Kopenhagena, gledajući u nevjerici na klijente i njihove amaterske pokušaje kućnog friziranja.

"Želim ovu priliku iskoristiti kako bi ljudima koji se kod kuće nisu šišali rekao: puno vam hvala", kazao je Bjornsson.

Diljem Europe ljudi žude otići u frizerski salon ili brijačnicu.

Švicarcima će kosa ljepše dane vidjeti za tjedan dana, salone će potom otvarati Njemačka, Austrija i možda Portugal, ali Grci još ništa ne znaju.

Chairs are seen at Hairdresser Hot N Tot during its reopeningn in Bagsvaerd near Copenhagen, April 20, 2020, amid the new coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. - There is a pause before and after each customer and the hairdressers have permanent workstations. Customers wait for a good distance and every plastic shackle for customers' outerwear is thrown in the trash after use. Parts of Europe hit hard by the deadly coronavirus pandemic took tentative steps towards resuming normal lives on April 20, 2020. (Photo by Liselotte Sabroe / Ritzau Scanpix / AFP) / Denmark OUT

Svi se, međutim, vesele odlasku u salon i novim frizurama. U kopenhaškom salonu "Street Cut" klijenti nose jednokratne plastične ogrtače, a škare i češljevi te stolice se dezinficiraju nakon svakog korištenja. Ne nude se niti kave, a nema ni časopisa.

No, niti frizeri niti klijenti ne nose maske.

Christel Lerche at Hairdresser Hot N Tot reopens and welcomes the first customers, in Bagsvaerd near Copenhagen, April 20, 2020, amid the new coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. - There is a pause before and after each customer and the hairdressers have permanent workstations. Customers wait for a good distance and every plastic shackle for customers' outerwear is thrown in the trash after use. Parts of Europe hit hard by the deadly coronavirus pandemic took tentative steps towards resuming normal lives on April 20, 2020. (Photo by Liselotte Sabroe / Ritzau Scanpix / AFP) / Denmark OUT

Danska nema puno zaraženih niti smrtnih slučajeva od Covida-19 te maske nisu obavezne.

Za direktora tehnološke tvrtke Martina Bostona, otvaranje njegovog omiljenog salona je došlo kao pravo olakšanje. Jedva čeka da se u profesionalne ruke daju i njegovi kolege.

Christel Lerche at Hairdresser Hot N Tot reopens and welcomes the first customers, in Bagsvaerd near Copenhagen, April 20, 2020, amid the new coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. - There is a pause before and after each customer and the hairdressers have permanent workstations. Customers wait for a good distance and every plastic shackle for customers' outerwear is thrown in the trash after use. Parts of Europe hit hard by the deadly coronavirus pandemic took tentative steps towards resuming normal lives on April 20, 2020. (Photo by Liselotte Sabroe / Ritzau Scanpix / AFP) / Denmark OUT

"Iskreno govoreći, imao sam priliku na videokonferencijama vidjeti kako su se ljudi okljaštrili, kao da su pali pod kosilicu", kazao je Boston.

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29. rujan 2024 19:17