FOTO: GDJE JE TA SNJEŽNA OLUJA? Apokaliptične najave ispraznile ulice, a u New Yorku palo samo 14 cm snijega

NEW YORK, NY - JANUARY 26: A man stands on skis in Times Square on January 26, 2015 in New York City. New York, and much of the Northeast, is bracing for a major winter storm which is expected to bring blizzard conditions and 10 to 30 inches of snow to the area. Alex Trautwig/Getty Images/AFP== FOR NEWSPAPERS, INTERNET, TELCOS & TELEVISION USE ONLY ==
 Alex Trautwig/AFP / 2015 Getty Images

Loše vremenske prognoze natjerale su savezne države, od New Jerseyja, Rhode Islanda, Connecticuta, New York Cityja i Massachusettsa da doslovno zaustave život svojih stanovnika.

Zaustavljeno je tisuće letova, zabranjena je vožnja automobilima i zatvorena podzemna željeznica u New Yorku kao i škole.

A lonely passenger makes her way in a deserted subway station in New York during a snow storm on January 26, 2015. A major storm forced New York to impose driving bans and halt public transport late January 26, as snowfall pounded the northeastern United States affecting tens of millions of people. New York shut its transit system at 11pm, made non-emergency road travel a criminal offense in 13 counties and closed tunnels and bridges connecting Manhattan to New Jersey. AFP PHOTO/JEWEL SAMAD


'S ulice moraju biti uklonjena sva vozila osim ralica i vozila hitnih službi', upozorili su guverneri i zaprijetili da će u suprotnom neposlušni vozači biti uhićeni i kažnjeni s kaznom do 500 dolara.

TOPSHOTSPeople cross a street covered in snow in New York's Times Square during a snow storm on January 26, 2015. A winter storm pounded the northeastern United US on January 26 hitting tens of millions of people and forcing the rare cancelation of Broadway shows in an "historic" New York blizzard. Winter Storm Juno is expected to dump up to three feet (around a meter) of snow in parts of the northeast, with the worst affected areas likely to be New England, particularly Connecticut and Massachusetts. More than 6,560 flights on Monday and Tuesday were cancelled, the New York city transit system was to shut at 11pm and road travel made a criminal offense in 13 counties of New York state. AFP PHOTO/JEWEL SAMAD


Prognostičari su najavili kako će ova oluja oboriti rekorde po snježnim padalinama i donijeti sa sobom vjetrove uraganske snage, te zahvatiti do 60 milijuna ljudi u gotovo dvanaest američkih država. Nacionalna meteorološka služba upozorila je na 'mećavu opasnu po život' koja bi mogla donijeti oko 76 centimetara snijega u dijelovima regije te savjetovala ljudima da ne izlaze iz svojih kuća.

TOPSHOTSA group of youth from Texas play snow-ball-fighting on a deserted street in New York's Times Square during a snow storm on January 26, 2015. A major storm forced New York to impose driving bans and halt public transport late January 26, as snowfall pounded the northeastern United States affecting tens of millions of people. New York shut its transit system at 11pm, made non-emergency road travel a criminal offense in 13 counties and closed tunnels and bridges connecting Manhattan to New Jersey. AFP PHOTO/JEWEL SAMAD


No jutros su povukli zastrašujuću prognozu, govoreći kako će regija na sjeveroistočnom dijelu zemlje, Nova Engleska, proći najgore no kako ni to neće biti tako strašno kao što je najavljivano, piše Daily Mail.

Alex Trautwig / 2015 Getty Images
NEW YORK, NY - JANUARY 26: A man uses a snow thrower in Times Square on January 26, 2015 in New York City. New York, and much of the Northeast, is bracing for a major winter storm which is expected to bring blizzard conditions and 10 to 30 inches of snow to the area. Alex Trautwig/Getty Images/AFP== FOR NEWSPAPERS, INTERNET, TELCOS & TELEVISION USE ONLY ==


Meteorološka služba u New Yorku priopćila je da je do utorka ujutro u Central Parku na Manhattanu palo oko 14 centimetara snijega, a gotovo 23 centimetara je zabilježeno na dijelovima Long Islanda. Meteorolozi u Bostonu javili su u utorak rano ujutro da u zračnoj luci Nantucket Memorial puše vjetar brzinom do 70 kilometara na sat te da je palo 6 cm snijega.

Alex Trautwig / 2015 Getty Images
NEW YORK, NY - JANUARY 26: A plow is driven through Times Square on January 26, 2015 in New York City. New York, and much of the Northeast, is bracing for a major winter storm which is expected to bring blizzard conditions and 10 to 30 inches of snow to the area. Alex Trautwig/Getty Images/AFP== FOR NEWSPAPERS, INTERNET, TELCOS & TELEVISION USE ONLY ==


Stotine Amerikanaca probudilo se jutros u očekivanju da od snijega neće moći izaći iz kuća, pa su na Twitteru objavili kako uopće nije onako kako su očekivali:

- Sada znam zašto su oluju nazvali Juno. Zato jer se svi pitaju: Hey, Ju-know where the snow is? (Hej, znaš li gdje je taj snijeg?) - napisao je jedan od korisnika.

Ipak, dijelovi Nove Engleske - Boston, Providence, Rhode Island, Portland i Maine još uvijek očekuju kako će napadati oko pola metra snijega.

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25. rujan 2024 17:42