FOTO: ATENTAT NA ULICAMA NICE Ubojica bogatoj monegaškoj nasljednici pucao u glavu

A police officer investigates a car at the site of a shooting which injured Helene Pastor, sister of late Monegasque businessman Michel Pastor, and her driver earlier in the evening on May 6, 2014, outside The Archet hospital in Nice, southeastern France. A third person was injured and police said several people fled the scene. AFP PHOTO / VALERY HACHE

Bogata 77-godišnja nasljednica iz Monaka, Helene Pastor, nalazi se u bolnici u kritičnom stanju nakon što je na nju i njezinog vozača u utorak navečer pokušan atentat dok su odlazili iz bolnice Archet u Nici.

Ubojica se navodno približio automobilu koji je bio na putu iz bolnice u kojoj je Helen Pastor bila u posjeti svom sinu Gildu.

Police investigate the site of a shooting which injured Helene Pastor, sister of late Monegasque businessman Michel Pastor, and her driver earlier in the evening on May 6, 2014, outside The Archet hospital in Nice, southeastern France. A third person was injured and police said several people fled the scene. AFP PHOTO / VALERY HACHE

Muškarac je nju i njezinog vozača pumpericom upucao u lice i vrat, a potom uskočio u automobil koji ga je već čekao.

Police stand at the site where a shooting injured Helene Pastor, sister of late Monegasque businessman Michel Pastor, and her driver earlier in the evening on May 6, 2014, outside The Archet hospital in Nice, southeastern France. A third person was injured and police said several people fled the scene. AFP PHOTO / VALERY HACHE

- Vidio sam ubojicu kako se okreće prema meni s velikim pištoljem i torbom. Mislio sam da ide po mene. Bojao sam se za vlastiti život - kazao je jedan svjedok za Le Parisien.

Police investigate the site of a shooting which injured Helene Pastor, sister of late Monegasque businessman Michel Pastor, and her driver earlier in the evening on May 6, 2014, outside The Archet hospital in Nice, southeastern France. A third person was injured and police said several people fled the scene. AFP PHOTO / VALERY HACHE

Helene Pastor i njezin vozač, koji nije imenovan, prevezeni su u bolnicu Saint Roch u Nici gdje se bore za život.

- Životi dvoje pacijenata su još uvijek u opasnosti i izgledi su neizvjesni - kazala je liječnica.

Saint-Roch hospital's chief surgeon Patrick Baque (L) and resuscitation chief Carole Ichai give a press conference, on May 7, 2014 in Nice, on the case of Helene Pastor, sister of the late Monegasque businessman Michel Pastor, and her driver who were shot the day before and remain in critical condition. AFP PHOTO / JEAN CHRISTOPHE MAGNENET

Francuski ministar unutarnjih poslova kazao je kako je šokiran zbog napada, a Albert od Monaka izrazio je potporu obitelji Pastor koja je zaslužna za mnoge nekretnine izgrađene na francuskoj rivijeri vrijedne milijune.

Policija je kazala kako vjeruju da je glavna meta ubojice bio vozač, a da je Helene bila kolateralna žrtva.

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05. listopad 2024 22:50