Bivši Obamin savjetnik: Građani se trebaju manje brinuti o nejednakosti prihoda, a više se zabrinuti zbog nejednakih mogućnosti

(FILES): This November 17, 2008 file photo shows former US Treasury secretary and preident-elect Barack Obama advisor Larry Summers listening during a gathering of corporate CEOs at an economic conference sponsored by The Wall Street Journal at the Four Seasons Hotel in Washington, DC. A top economic advisor to President Obama, Summers is to leave the administration at the end of the year, officials said September 21, 2010, in the third such departure in three months. The announcement by Summers follows close on the heels of the resignations of Christina Romer, chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisors, and budget director Peter Orszag. The shakeup at the top of the economic team comes amid news that the recession ended last year even if the world's biggest economy continues to struggle with high unemployment and sluggish growth. Critics of Obama's economic policy have focused some of their energy on Summers, and House Minority Leader John Boehner had called on Obama to fire him. AFP PHOTO/Paul J. Richards

Larry Summers, bivši američki državni tajnik za financije, predsjednik sveučilišta Harvard i ekonomski savjetnik predsjednika Baracka Obame , izjavio je da se građani trebaju manje brinuti o nejednakosti prihoda, a više se zabrinuti zbog nejednakih mogućnosti. Mišljenja je da bi ljudi trebali prestati napadati najbogatiji sloj. "Smatram da moramo prihvatiti nejednakost u rezultatima i priznati da oni koji zarađuju više imaju prilike više doprinijeti društvu. Ali ako pogledate posljednju generaciju, rascjep između životnih izgleda djeteta bogatog i siromašnog oca sve je širi", kazao je Summers.

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