ARHEOLOŠKA SENZACIJA U JERUZALEMU Blizu mjesta na kojem se nalazio biblijski Drugi hram pronađen je kompleks star oko 2000 godina


Podzemni kompleks uklesan u stijenu prije otprilike dvije tisuće godina otkriven je blizu jeruzalemskog Zapadnog zida, objavili su u utorak izraelski arheolozi.

Kompleks se sastoji od nekoliko prostorija i otvorenog dvorišta, a vjeruje se da su ga koristili stanovnici Jeruzalema prije no što su Rimljani 70. godine nakon opsade grada uništili Drugi hram.

Istraživači su otkriće prozvali "nevjerojatnim pronalaskom“ i dodali da se još uvijek ne zna čemu je služila te građevina koja je prije 1400 godina, u vrijeme Bizanta, prekrivena drugom zgradom.

Archaeologists of the Israel Antiquities Authority work at an excavation at a subterranean system hewn in the bedrock beneath a 1400-year-old building near the Western Wall in Jerusalem's Old City, on May 19, 2020. (Photo by MENAHEM KAHANA / AFP)
Archaeologists of the Israel Antiquities Authority work at an excavation at a subterranean system hewn in the bedrock beneath a 1400-year-old building near the Western Wall in Jerusalem's Old City, on May 19, 2020. (Photo by MENAHEM KAHANA / AFP)
Tehila Sadiel, an archaeologist of the Israel Antiquities Authority, works at an excavation at a subterranean system hewn in the bedrock beneath a 1400-year-old building near the Western Wall in Jerusalem's Old City, on May 19, 2020. (Photo by MENAHEM KAHANA / AFP)

Tehila Sadie, an archaeologist of the Israel Antiquities Authority, shows a mug made of stone dating to the Jewish Second Temple period (6th century BCE-1st century CE), discovered at a subterranean system hewn in the bedrock beneath a 1400-year-old building near the Western Wall in Jerusalem's Old City, on May 19, 2020. (Photo by MENAHEM KAHANA / AFP)
This picture taken on May 19, 2020 shows a view of ceramic fragments of oil lamps dating to the Jewish Second Temple period (6th century BCE-1st century CE), discovered at a subterranean system hewn in the bedrock beneath a 1400-year-old building near the Western Wall in Jerusalem's Old City. (Photo by MENAHEM KAHANA / AFP)

"Pitanje je zašto su toliki trud i materijali iskorišteni za klesanje podzemnih prostorija u tvrdoj stijeni?“, priopćili su Barak Monnickendam-Givon i Tehila Sadiel, voditelji iskapanja.

U kompleksu je pronađeno nekoliko predmeta poput kuhinjskog pribora, ostataka uljanih lampi i dijela kamene zdjele koja se koristila u židovskim ritualima.

Zapadni zid jedan je od preostalih zidova uništenog Drugog hrama i smatra se najvažnijim svetištem judaizma.

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28. rujan 2024 20:13