SEKSI KOSOVARKA JAHTU PLAĆA 22.000 KUNA DNEVNO, ALI FANOVI TVRDE - ISPLATILO SE! 'Ova slika možda baš i nije prikladna za svačije oči, ali je**š sve!

Rita Ora
 Profimedia, Xposurephotos

Početkom mjeseca gostovala je na Rise Up festivalu u Poreču, potom su uslijedili nastupi u Velikoj Britaniji, Portugalu i Španjolskoj, a upravo je koncert u Barceloni Riti Ori (27) bio odličan povod i za kratki godišnji odmor.

Engleska pjevačica podrijetlom s Kosova ondje je unajmila 16 metara dugačku luksuznu jahtu, koju, kako piše Daily Mail, na dan plaća 3000 eura (oko 22.000 kuna).

A španjolskim paparazzima nije dugo trebalo da snime Ritu kako se u trendi bikiniju metalik boje sunča na palubi - spomenute fotografije odmah su postale hit na internetu, ali brzo ih je zasjenila jedna koju je sama pjevačica objavila na svome Instagramu. Naime, Ora je najboljoj prijateljici odlučila čestitati rođendan na vrlo originalan način - s pratiteljima je podijelila fotografiju na kojoj je Anda Vlasaku, s kojom se glazbenica druži od malih nogu, hvata za grudi.

- Ova prva slika možda baš i nije prikladna za svačije oči, ali je**š sve! - napisala je nestašna Rita, koja, očito, nema apsolutno nikakvih problema s golotinjom.

BGUK_1293157 - Barcelona, SPAIN  -  *EXCLUSIVE*  - *STRICT WEB EMBARGO UNTIL 6pm UK TIME ON 20/07/18*

British Singer Rita Ora pictured posing on a yacht in Barcelona. The singer was seen in a metallic bikini with her sister and friends relaxing on a luxury yacht  in the harbour in Barcelona before going for some shopping in the City Center.

Pictured: Rita Ora

*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 378645706, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Xposurephotos
Profimedia, Xposurephotos
Rita Ora

BGUK_1293157 - Barcelona, SPAIN  -  *EXCLUSIVE*  - *STRICT WEB EMBARGO UNTIL 6pm UK TIME ON 20/07/18*

British Singer Rita Ora pictured posing on a yacht in Barcelona. The singer was seen in a metallic bikini with her sister and friends relaxing on a luxury yacht  in the harbour in Barcelona before going for some shopping in the City Center.

Pictured: Rita Ora

*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 378645704, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Xposurephotos
Profimedia, Xposurephotos
Rita Ora

BGUK_1293157 - Barcelona, SPAIN  -  *EXCLUSIVE*  - *STRICT WEB EMBARGO UNTIL 6pm UK TIME ON 20/07/18*

British Singer Rita Ora pictured posing on a yacht in Barcelona. The singer was seen in a metallic bikini with her sister and friends relaxing on a luxury yacht  in the harbour in Barcelona before going for some shopping in the City Center.

Pictured: Rita Ora

*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 378645712, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Xposurephotos
Profimedia, Xposurephotos
Rita Ora

BGUK_1293157 - Barcelona, SPAIN  -  *EXCLUSIVE*  - *STRICT WEB EMBARGO UNTIL 6pm UK TIME ON 20/07/18*

British Singer Rita Ora pictured posing on a yacht in Barcelona. The singer was seen in a metallic bikini with her sister and friends relaxing on a luxury yacht  in the harbour in Barcelona before going for some shopping in the City Center.

Pictured: Rita Ora

*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 378645702, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Xposurephotos
Profimedia, Xposurephotos
Rita Ora

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28. rujan 2024 12:20