FOTO: PRODAJE SE EDITORIJAL GOLE MARILYN Snimila ga je nedugo prije smrti, a zbog rivalstva sa slavnom kolegicom, fotografu je dala ultimatum

 Profimedia, Caters News

Aukcijska kuća Heritage Auctions iz New Yorka prodaje 12 intimnih snimaka pokojne holivudske dive Marilyn Monroe, a strani mediji prenose kako bi im cijena mogla dosegnuti 26.000 funti (oko 213.000 kuna).

Seksepilna plavuša pozirala je gola kraj bazena nedugo prije svoje smrti u kolovozu 1962. godine, a drugu seriju fotografija, na kojoj Monroe slavi 36. rođendan, snimio je filmski producent Lawrence Schiller, koji je tada imao tek 25 godina.

Danas 80-godišnjak, ovih dana u jednom intervjuu prisjetio se legendarnog snimanja s obožavanom glumicom.

- Marilyn nije imala problema s golotinjom, ali morao sam ispoštovati jedan njezin uvjet - rekla mi je: 'S fotografijama radi što god hoćeš, ali ni u ludilu ih ne želim vidjeti u istom časopisu koji objavljuje Elizabeth Taylor' - izjavio je Schiller.

Monroe je, naime, kolegica bila mrska jer je zarađivala puno više od nje. Tako se Marilyn često žalila kako je Taylor od producentske kuće Fox po filmu dobivala milijun dolara (oko 6,4 milijuna kuna), a ona jedva 125.000 (oko 800.000 kuna).

- (PICTURED: 12 Candid shots of Marilyn Monroe including during her birthday with sparklers, swimming nude and more up for 35k USD) - Beatles bloopers, Marilyn Monroe swimming nude, Frank Sinatra with guards and Muhammad Ali rare photographs could fetch over 120,000USD at auction. The impressive array of highly sought-after celebrity shots will be on offer with Heritage Auctions in New York, next week OCT 11. The most expensive lot with an estimate of up to 35,000USD are 12 intimate shots of Marilyn Monroe showcasing the Hollywood starlet enjoying sparklers in her birthday cake, swimming nude and more. Frank Sinatra pictured at his peak of fame striding through crowds surrounded by bodyguards at the Fontainbleau Hotel in Miami Beach, estimated at 30,000USD. Two alternatives to The Beatles legendary Abbey Road cover where the famous four strutted across the road, estimated up to 25,000USD. Along with intimate photos of Muhammad Ali showing his strong proportions in close-up shots estimate to sell for 15,000USD and many more. -, Image: 351937585, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: HERITAGE AUCTIONS / CATERS NEWS, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

- (PICTURED: 12 Candid shots of Marilyn Monroe including during her birthday with sparklers, swimming nude and more up for 35k USD) - Beatles bloopers, Marilyn Monroe swimming nude, Frank Sinatra with guards and Muhammad Ali rare photographs could fetch over 120,000USD at auction. The impressive array of highly sought-after celebrity shots will be on offer with Heritage Auctions in New York, next week OCT 11. The most expensive lot with an estimate of up to 35,000USD are 12 intimate shots of Marilyn Monroe showcasing the Hollywood starlet enjoying sparklers in her birthday cake, swimming nude and more. Frank Sinatra pictured at his peak of fame striding through crowds surrounded by bodyguards at the Fontainbleau Hotel in Miami Beach, estimated at 30,000USD. Two alternatives to The Beatles legendary Abbey Road cover where the famous four strutted across the road, estimated up to 25,000USD. Along with intimate photos of Muhammad Ali showing his strong proportions in close-up shots estimate to sell for 15,000USD and many more. -, Image: 351937589, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: HERITAGE AUCTIONS / CATERS NEWS, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

- (PICTURED: 12 Candid shots of Marilyn Monroe including during her birthday with sparklers, swimming nude and more up for 35k USD) - Beatles bloopers, Marilyn Monroe swimming nude, Frank Sinatra with guards and Muhammad Ali rare photographs could fetch over 120,000USD at auction. The impressive array of highly sought-after celebrity shots will be on offer with Heritage Auctions in New York, next week OCT 11. The most expensive lot with an estimate of up to 35,000USD are 12 intimate shots of Marilyn Monroe showcasing the Hollywood starlet enjoying sparklers in her birthday cake, swimming nude and more. Frank Sinatra pictured at his peak of fame striding through crowds surrounded by bodyguards at the Fontainbleau Hotel in Miami Beach, estimated at 30,000USD. Two alternatives to The Beatles legendary Abbey Road cover where the famous four strutted across the road, estimated up to 25,000USD. Along with intimate photos of Muhammad Ali showing his strong proportions in close-up shots estimate to sell for 15,000USD and many more. -, Image: 351936484, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: HERITAGE AUCTIONS / CATERS NEWS, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

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10. ožujak 2025 08:18