FOTO: LJUBAV S TENISKIH TERENA Atraktivna Slovenka koja plijeni pozornost upečatljivim tetovažama najvatrenija je navijačica našeg izbornika Krajana


Izbornik hrvatske Davis Cup reprezentacije Željko Krajan (39) s igračima i članovima stručnoga stožera hrvatske teniske Davis Cup reprezentacije, koja je u Francuskoj drugi put osvojila Davis Cup, u ponedjeljak se s pobjedničkim peharom vraća u Zagreb.

A velikim uspjehom našeg bivšeg tenisača, danas trenera, na Instagramu se pohvalila i njegova djevojka, 12 godina mlađa Polona Hercog. Slovenska tenisačica sa Željkom je u vezi od kolovoza 2013., a par, osim ljubavi, veže i posao - naime, upravo je Krajan Polonin trener, a ona je njemu, logično, najveća potpora i najvatrenija navijačica.

Inače, 27-godišnja Hercog rođena je u Mariboru, a osim visinom od 182 centimetra, pozornost plijeni i upečatljivim tetovažama na rukama.

A izbornik Željko prije veze s Polonom bio je u braku s pravnicom Jelenom, s kojom ima 11-godišnju kćer Chiaru.

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We love this place! Beautiful and peaceful...

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My dearest Z, Can you believe it's already 4 years? Does it seem to you that that much time passed since our first kiss? I have to say it's been an incredible ride with you my love. From our first date, to first holiday, first tournament together, first Christmas and New Year's spent at home, to every second and third and fourth time to everything, it's all been so exciting! It's difficult to put into words what each and every day filled with you means to me. I know there are moments or days that you don't understand me, that there are moments when I drive you crazy, but you are always there, at the end of a hard day I can always count on you and I want you to know that you can always count on me. Needless to say, I have never met someone even remotely as intriguing as you and that's what made me fall in love with you like crazy. I know you remember our moment, the moment everything changed, our spot. It was the most real thing I have ever felt and it hasn't changed since, except that it grew into something bigger, deeper, sometimes it's even scary. You know what I mean by that, it's our thing, our crazy big love, filled with joy, laughter, hugs, tears, kisses, endless talks... It's OUR WORLD BABY! It makes me smile to look at our first photos together, we were like kids! And I want to look back at these pictures with you in 30 years and say: "We weren't kids, we were actually babies!" I'm sad not to be spending this day with you, but my heart and mind is with you, always. It's something that distance cannot change. I'm the luckiest girl to have you. Wish you the best day! Happy anniversary my love! 25.08.2013❤️Volim te bebač Tvoja Polona

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In my natural habitat♀️

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