FOTO Lindsay Lohan na sudu zbog krađe ogrlice vrijedne 2500 dolara

Uz mnogo medija i obožavatelja proteklo je saslušanje američke zvijezde optužene za krađu vrijedne ogrlice
Lindsay Lohan sits with her lawyer Shawn Chapman Holley (R) during her hearing after being recently charged with one count of felony grand theft for allegedly stealing a $2,500 necklace from a Venice Beach jewelry store, at the Airport Superior Court on February 23, 2011. The actress, who is on probation after completing a court-ordered spell in rehab for drug addiction, admits she took the necklace from a Venice Beach store but claims it was only on loan. The 24-year-old actress checked out of the Betty Ford clinic near Palm Springs last month, following a spell there after she was briefly jailed in September for failing a court-ordered drug test. A queen of Hollywood nights and a favorite target of the paparazzi, the former Disney child star was once considered one of the most promising actresses of her generation. AFP PHOTO/POOL/Paul BUCK
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28. rujan 2024 09:04