FOTO: SEKS BOMBA ODŠEPALA NA ŠTAKAMA, ALI NIJE POBJEGLA PAPARAZZIMA Malo se zanijela na snimanju plesnog showa, sad joj slijedi mirovanje

 Profimedia, Spread Pictures

Atraktivna Pamela Anderson imala je težu nezgodu na snimanju popularnog TV showa ‘Ples sa zvijezdama’ zbog čega je završila na štakama.

Zvijezda ‘Spasilačke službe’ neće ni zaplesati ni potrčati još neko vrijeme, kako se čini. Kako piše TMZ, za sve je krivo snimanje francuske verzije ‘Plesa sa zvijezdama’ gdje se snažno udarila.

Ipak, po svoj prilici Anderson nije dobila gips, nego samo čvrste zavoje i vjerojatno upute za mirovanje.

October 18th, 2018 - Paris

****** Exclusive ******                            

Pamela Anderson seen leaving her doctor in Paris on crutches after being severely injured while participating at the French Dance with the Stars.

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Enquiries at, Image: 391690499, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: WORLDWIDE, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Spread Pictures
Profimedia, Spread Pictures

Fotoreporteri su je snimili kako izlazi iz liječničke ordinacije u Parizu u četvrtak. Unatoč ozlijedi, djelovala je zanosno u crnoj plisiranoj haljini bez rukava.

October 18th, 2018 - Paris

****** Exclusive ******                            

Pamela Anderson seen leaving her doctor in Paris on crutches after being severely injured while participating at the French Dance with the Stars.

****** BYLINE MUST READ : © Spread Pictures ******

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Enquiries at, Image: 391690492, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: WORLDWIDE, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Spread Pictures
Profimedia, Spread Pictures

Posljednjih godina Pamela dobija niz kritika na račun izgleda, a brojni fanovi smatraju da je pretjerala s Botoxom i da se pretvara u voštanu figuru.

October 18th, 2018 - Paris

****** Exclusive ******                            

Pamela Anderson seen leaving her doctor in Paris on crutches after being severely injured while participating at the French Dance with the Stars.

****** BYLINE MUST READ : © Spread Pictures ******

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Enquiries at, Image: 391690489, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: WORLDWIDE, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Spread Pictures
Profimedia, Spread Pictures

October 18th, 2018 - Paris

****** Exclusive ******                            

Pamela Anderson seen leaving her doctor in Paris on crutches after being severely injured while participating at the French Dance with the Stars.

****** BYLINE MUST READ : © Spread Pictures ******

****** Please hide the children's faces prior to the publication ******

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Enquiries at, Image: 391690495, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: WORLDWIDE, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Spread Pictures
Profimedia, Spread Pictures

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29. rujan 2024 03:28