RODILA SE MALA HANA! Naš glazbenik dobio drugo dijete: 'Iznenadila nas je dva tjedna prije termina. Jedva čekam vratiti se kući i držati je u naručju'

Luka Šulić sa suprugom Tamarom
 Sandra Simunovic / CROPIX

Naš proslavljeni violončelist Luka Šulić (31) i supruga Tamara u utorak su dobili drugo dijete, djevojčicu Hanu.

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- Rođena je naša mala princeza! Tako sam ponosan na nju i njezinu mamu - moju prekrasnu ženu!

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Our little princess Hana was born today!!! I’m so proud of my princess and her mom - my gorgeous wife @tamarasulic❤ Today is a proof that things don’t always play out as you plan and that the universe has a will of its own. Hana surprised us and was born two weeks before the predicted date of birth. I’m currently in Rome recording my first solo album - Vivaldi Four Seasons with amazing @accademiadisantacecilia orchestra. I’m very sad that I wasn’t there for the birth, but my wife told me “better a short and an easy child birth without you then a long and hard labour with you there (Btw I was there for the birth of our first child which was quite long)”. She is amazing!❤ The most important thing is that everything is OK❤ But there is no doubt that this recording of Vivaldi Four Seasons will have a special sound to it considering very emotional circumstances In any case I can’t wait to go home tomorrow and meet my daughter and hold her in my arms. #blessed #family #love

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Hana nas je iznenadila i rodila se dva tjedna prije predviđenog termina. Trenutačno sam u Rimu gdje snimam svoj prvi solo album.

Jako mi je žao što nisam bio na porođaju, ali supruga mi je rekla: 'Bolje kratko i lako rođenje djeteta bez tebe, umjesto dugog i napornog porođaja s tobom'. Ona je nevjerojatna!

Jedva čekam vratiti se kući, upoznati kćer i držati je u naručju - napisao je presretni Luka Šulić.

Podsjetimo, glazbenik i Tamara već imaju jednoipolgodišnjeg sina Vala. Par je u braku od srpnja 2017.

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25. rujan 2024 07:44