POTROŠIT ĆE MILIJUN I POL KUNA DA BI SE PRETVORIO U BESPOLNOG VANZEMALJCA Iza njega je 110 zahvata, a još planira potpuno ukloniti genitalije i pupak

 Profimedia, Caters News

Majstor šminke i model iz Los Angelesa, Vinny Ohh, dosad je u svoj izgled investirao 50.000 dolara (350.000 kuna), a iznos se istopio na sveukupno 110 kozmetičkih zahvata kako bi se pretvorio u bespolnog vanzemaljca.

Ljudi se iz različitih razloga odlučuju na plastične operacije, no pretvaranje u vanzemaljca bez spola doista nije uobičajen razlog. No, Vinny Ohh tvrdi da se ne smatra ni muškarcem ni ženom, a upravo ta transformacija treba reflektirati ono kako se osjeća.

Ovaj bizaran projekt započeo je sa 17 godina kad je prvi put povećao usne, a zatim je dvaput operirao nos, nekoliko puta obraze i obrve, a nakon toga jedva broji.

Najradikalniji zahvati tek mu slijede. Planira potrošiti preko milijun kuna (160.000 dolara) na operaciju uklanjanja genitalija, bradavica i pupka, te povećanje čela da bi što više nalikovao malom zelenom.

- (PICTURED: Make-up artist Vinny has plans costing over 160,000USD to become a genderless alien, he models in his unusual way in photoshoot with black contact lenses, crazy hair colour and unusual alien type clothing) - A young man has spent 50,000USD (40,000GBP) on plastic surgery to become an ALIEN - and could soon have his genitalia removed. Vinny Ohh, 22, from Los Angeles in California, USA, has had over 90 procedures to transform into a genderless extra-terrestrial. The make-up artists believes hes neither male nor female and so his extreme look is a way of mirror how he feels inside. He started with lip fillers at the age of 17, before having two rhinoplasties and multiple cheeks and brow bone fillers. The part-time model also wears large blackened contact lenses, alien like talons and unusual hair dye colours. Now he plans to fork out another 160,000USD (130,000GBP) on surgery to have his genitalia, nipples and bellybutton removed. -, Image: 323027186, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: VINNY OHH / CATERS NEWS, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

‘Ono što želim je postati vanzemaljac. Želim biti hibrid, ni žensko ni muško. Htio sam biti bespolac još od svoje 17. godine, razgovarao sam s liječnicima i uglavnom kažu da to nije moguće. Ne želim da ljudi misle da hoću postati žena. Mogu živjeti i bez spolnih organa pa zašto bih onda imao penis ili vaginu’, rekao je 22-godišnjak za Caters News.

Ispričao je da se cijelo djetinjstvo osjećao kao izopćenik, a za ovu se ekstremnu transformaciju odlučio da bi iskazao svoj stav kako ljude ne treba obilježavati niti etiketirati. ‘Želim probuditi ljude i dokazati im da spolovi ne igraju važnu ulogu u zajednici, te da bi trebali biti bolji ljudi i pažljiviji jedni prema drugima’, kaže.

- (PICTURED: Vinny is joining the agency and TV show Plastics of Hollywood here he is with producer Marcela Iglesias) - A young man has spent 50,000USD (40,000GBP) on plastic surgery to become an ALIEN - and could soon have his genitalia removed. Vinny Ohh, 22, from Los Angeles in California, USA, has had over 90 procedures to transform into a genderless extra-terrestrial. The make-up artists believes hes neither male nor female and so his extreme look is a way of mirror how he feels inside. He started with lip fillers at the age of 17, before having two rhinoplasties and multiple cheeks and brow bone fillers. The part-time model also wears large blackened contact lenses, alien like talons and unusual hair dye colours. Now he plans to fork out another 160,000USD (130,000GBP) on surgery to have his genitalia, nipples and bellybutton removed. -, Image: 323027153, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: VINNY OHH / CATERS NEWS, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News
Vinny Ohh s producenticom realityja u kojem će nastupiti, Marcelom Iglesias

Naravno, reakcije na njegov izgled su svakakve. Neki samo misle da je čudan, neki postaju nasilni prema njemu, a nekima se sviđa što je drugačiji, piše Elite Daily.

Uskoro bi se trebao pojaviti u novom reality showu ‘The Plastics of Hollywood’ u kojem bi mu agencija trebala pomoći pronaći angažman u Hollywoodu.

- (PICTURED: Make-up artist Vinny has plans costing over 160,000USD to become a genderless alien, he models in his unusual way in photoshoot with black contact lenses, crazy hair colour and unusual alien type clothing) - A young man has spent 50,000USD (40,000GBP) on plastic surgery to become an ALIEN - and could soon have his genitalia removed. Vinny Ohh, 22, from Los Angeles in California, USA, has had over 90 procedures to transform into a genderless extra-terrestrial. The make-up artists believes hes neither male nor female and so his extreme look is a way of mirror how he feels inside. He started with lip fillers at the age of 17, before having two rhinoplasties and multiple cheeks and brow bone fillers. The part-time model also wears large blackened contact lenses, alien like talons and unusual hair dye colours. Now he plans to fork out another 160,000USD (130,000GBP) on surgery to have his genitalia, nipples and bellybutton removed. -, Image: 323026295, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: VINNY OHH / CATERS NEWS, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

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29. rujan 2024 15:21