FOTO Neobična ljubavna priča: Ovan preuzeo ulogu alfa-mužjaka u krdu jelena i zaljubio se u košutu

Djelatnici Parka za divlje životinje u Kunmingu u kineskoj provinciji Yunnan kažu da se ovan uklopio u krdo jelena i nakon nekog vremena preuzeo ulogu alfa mužjaka. Zahvaljujći tome Changmao se pari s ostalim ženkama u krdu, iako mu je Chunzi i dalje najdraža
A ram named Changmao who has formed an inseparable bond with a female deer named Chunzi, spend time together at the Yunnan Wild Animal Park in Kunming, Yunnan Province on December 2, 2011. The animal park handlers say that Changmao has integrated itself into the deer herd and is now the dominate male. The male sheep now mates with the six deers of the herd, although Chunzi is his favorite. CHINA OUT AFP PHOTO
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06. listopad 2024 07:27