FOTO: NISU NI MUŠKARCI NI ŽENE - ZAKON IH PRIZNAJE, ALI DRUŠTVO NE Prizori iz života hidžri, osoba koje se ne osjećaju ni kao muškarci ni kao žene

 Profimedia, Barcroft Media

Takozvane hidžre su kasta, usko povezana zajednica transrodnih osoba, odnosno muškaraca koji se odijevaju u žene na području Pakistana, Indije i Bangladeša. Premda ih vlast službeno priznaje kao ‘treći spol’, obitelj ih se uglavnom odriče, a društvo isključuje zbog još uvijek konzervativnih stavova prema transrodnim osobama.

Danski fotograf Jan Moeller Hansen boravio je godinama u Dhaki, glavnom gradu Bangladeša, a dvije godine je pratio život hidžra, učio o njima i njihovom položaju u društvu i sve, naravno, zabilježio kamerom, pišu britanski mediji.

‘Nakon što sam neko vrijeme živio u Dhaki, shvatio sam da su hidžre jedne od najotvorenijih, najponosnijih, samosvjesnih i dostojanstvenih osoba koje sam upoznao u toku svog petogodišnjeg boravka u Bangladešu. Obzirom na njihovu različitost, u seksualnom smislu, izgledu i ponašanju, a i zbog toga što ih društvo uglavnom odbacuje, oni su stvorili vlastite obiteljske strukture i veze. Otkrio sam da su veze u obiteljima hidžri vrlo snažne i nužne da bi zadržali identitet i preživjeli’, kaže Hansen.


DHAKA, BANGLADESH - DATE UNKNOWN: Four hijras pose for the camera, in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Officially known to the government as the third gender, the Hijras are a tight-knit community of transgender individuals in Pakistan and India. In the chaotic city of Dhaka, Bangladesh, the Hijras are often excluded by their families and relatives due to attitudes towards transgenders. Danish photographer, Jan Moeller Hansen, visited Dhaka city from 2010 to 2012 to meet and learn about the Hijras and their lives in the Bangladeshi society., Image: 323913506, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Barcroft Media
Profimedia, Barcroft Media


DHAKA, BANGLADESH - DATE UNKNOWN: A hijra with a full face of make up in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Officially known to the government as the third gender, the Hijras are a tight-knit community of transgender individuals in Pakistan and India. In the chaotic city of Dhaka, Bangladesh, the Hijras are often excluded by their families and relatives due to attitudes towards transgenders. Danish photographer, Jan Moeller Hansen, visited Dhaka city from 2010 to 2012 to meet and learn about the Hijras and their lives in the Bangladeshi society., Image: 323913385, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Barcroft Media
Profimedia, Barcroft Media

Velika većina hidžri rodi se muškog spola, ali se ne vide ni kao muškarci ni kao žene. Najčešće se bave prostitucijom, pišu britanski mediji.

Hansen dodaje: ‘Da biste postali prava hidžra, to često znači uklanjanje muških spolnih organa, penisa i testisa. Taj proces demaskulinizacije pretvara impotentnog muškarca u potencijalno moćnu i snažnu osobu.’

Izopćenje iz društva, koje doživljavaju, rezultiralo je time da se hidžre okupljaju u male, iznimno povezane grupe.


DHAKA, BANGLADESH - DATE UNKNOWN: Three hijras in a corridor in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Officially known to the government as the third gender, the Hijras are a tight-knit community of transgender individuals in Pakistan and India. In the chaotic city of Dhaka, Bangladesh, the Hijras are often excluded by their families and relatives due to attitudes towards transgenders. Danish photographer, Jan Moeller Hansen, visited Dhaka city from 2010 to 2012 to meet and learn about the Hijras and their lives in the Bangladeshi society., Image: 323913281, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Barcroft Media
Profimedia, Barcroft Media


DHAKA, BANGLADESH - DATE UNKNOWN: Two hijras pose for the camera, in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Officially known to the government as the third gender, the Hijras are a tight-knit community of transgender individuals in Pakistan and India. In the chaotic city of Dhaka, Bangladesh, the Hijras are often excluded by their families and relatives due to attitudes towards transgenders. Danish photographer, Jan Moeller Hansen, visited Dhaka city from 2010 to 2012 to meet and learn about the Hijras and their lives in the Bangladeshi society., Image: 323913190, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Barcroft Media
Profimedia, Barcroft Media

Posljednjih se godina sve više bore za svoja prava i jednakost.

‘Hidžre se bore za svoja prava i žele da ih se doživljava jednako kao i druge ljude. Žele da drugi znaju da su normalna ljudska bića i da žele voditi normalan život, no uglavnom ih ne razumiju.’

U povijesti nije nepoznate postojanje tri i više rodova: u Mezopotamiji su, primjerice, razlikovali rod osoba koje nisu ni muškarci ni žene. U egipatskim zapisima se nalaze tri roda - muško, žensko i između, u staroj Grčkoj također su postojale tri kategorije, a u Izraelu pak šest kategorija osoba - muško, žensko, ni muško ni žensko, i muško i žensko itd, piše Slobodna Dalmacija.


DHAKA, BANGLADESH - DATE UNKNOWN: Two hijras lying on a bed in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Officially known to the government as the third gender, the Hijras are a tight-knit community of transgender individuals in Pakistan and India. In the chaotic city of Dhaka, Bangladesh, the Hijras are often excluded by their families and relatives due to attitudes towards transgenders. Danish photographer, Jan Moeller Hansen, visited Dhaka city from 2010 to 2012 to meet and learn about the Hijras and their lives in the Bangladeshi society., Image: 323913260, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Barcroft Media
Profimedia, Barcroft Media


DHAKA, BANGLADESH - DATE UNKNOWN: Two hijras pose for the camera, in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Officially known to the government as the third gender, the Hijras are a tight-knit community of transgender individuals in Pakistan and India. In the chaotic city of Dhaka, Bangladesh, the Hijras are often excluded by their families and relatives due to attitudes towards transgenders. Danish photographer, Jan Moeller Hansen, visited Dhaka city from 2010 to 2012 to meet and learn about the Hijras and their lives in the Bangladeshi society., Image: 323913249, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Barcroft Media
Profimedia, Barcroft Media

Na Balkanu su pak postojale virdžine - ako se u obitelji nije rodilo muško dijete, najmlađa kći tretirana je kao muškarac. U svim indijanskim plemenima u Sjevernoj Americi poznati su primjeri ‘dvije duše’. Ti su ljudi bili posebno cijenjeni kao miljenici bogova, a prepoznavalo ih se još u djetinjstvu kao djecu koja igraju rodno nespecifične igre.

Najzanimljiviji je primjer Eskima kod kojih se rod i ime djeteta određivalo prije rođenja, a kasnije ga se odgajalo u tom rodu.


DHAKA, BANGLADESH - DATE UNKNOWN: A hijra with a bindi in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Officially known to the government as the third gender, the Hijras are a tight-knit community of transgender individuals in Pakistan and India. In the chaotic city of Dhaka, Bangladesh, the Hijras are often excluded by their families and relatives due to attitudes towards transgenders. Danish photographer, Jan Moeller Hansen, visited Dhaka city from 2010 to 2012 to meet and learn about the Hijras and their lives in the Bangladeshi society., Image: 323913465, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Barcroft Media
Profimedia, Barcroft Media


DHAKA, BANGLADESH - DATE UNKNOWN: Two hijras with make up on in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Officially known to the government as the third gender, the Hijras are a tight-knit community of transgender individuals in Pakistan and India. In the chaotic city of Dhaka, Bangladesh, the Hijras are often excluded by their families and relatives due to attitudes towards transgenders. Danish photographer, Jan Moeller Hansen, visited Dhaka city from 2010 to 2012 to meet and learn about the Hijras and their lives in the Bangladeshi society., Image: 323913499, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Barcroft Media
Profimedia, Barcroft Media

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29. rujan 2024 06:04