Igre koje očekujemo u studenom 2013.

Započeo je 11. mjesec, a s njime stižu i neke od dugo očekivanih igara koje smo pratili duže vremena.

Za početak valja izdvojiti Battlefield 4 koji izlazi već danas i kojeg treba pogledati svaki ljubitelj multiplayer FPS igara. Za samo nekoliko dana očekujemo i Call of Duty: Ghost o kojem smo također dosta slušali posljednjih tjedana.

Iz mnoštva igara koje se trebaju naći u prodaji ovog mjeseca, izdvojili bismo još Need for Speed: Rivals te svakako Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, dvije igre koje očekujemo tek krajem mjeseca.

Cijelu tablicu s datumima pogledajte u nastavku, a ako igra koju čekate ne izlazi ovog mjeseca, pogledajte datume izlaska svih igara po kategorijama.

Naziv igre Platforma Žanr Najavljen datum izlaska
WWE 2K14 Xbox 360 tučnjava 01. studeni 2013.
Deadly Premonition: Director’s Cut PC akcija 01. studeni 2013.
Rugby Challenge 2 PlayStation 3 sport 01. studeni 2013.
Saint Seiya: Brave Soldiers PlayStation 3 tučnjava 01. studeni 2013.
Farming Manager PC simulator 01. studeni 2013.
Invizimals: The Lost Kingdom PlayStation 3 akcija 01. studeni 2013.
WWE 2K14 PlayStation 3 tučnjava 01. studeni 2013.
Battlefield 4 Xbox 360 FPS 01. studeni 2013.
Recovery: Search and Rescue Simulation PC simulator 01. studeni 2013.
Invizimals: The Alliance PSV akcija 01. studeni 2013.
Hakuoki: Memories of the Shinsengumi 3DS RPG 01. studeni 2013.
Battlefield 4 PlayStation 3 FPS 01. studeni 2013.
Angry Birds: Star Wars PSV akcija/avantura 01. studeni 2013.
Battlefield 4 PC FPS 01. studeni 2013.
Call of Duty: Ghosts PC FPS 05. studeni 2013.
Call of Duty: Ghosts Xbox 360 FPS 05. studeni 2013.
Call of Duty: Ghosts WIIU FPS 05. studeni 2013.
Call of Duty: Ghosts PlayStation 3 FPS 05. studeni 2013.
Assassin’s Creed Heritage Collection PC Collection 07. studeni 2013.
Assassin’s Creed Heritage Collection Xbox 360 Collection 07. studeni 2013.
Assassin’s Creed Heritage Collection PlayStation 3 Collection 07. studeni 2013.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Collection Xbox 360 Collection 08. studeni 2013.
Sacrilegium PC RPG 08. studeni 2013.
Regular Show: Mordecai and Rigby in 8-Bit Land 3DS akcija 08. studeni 2013.
Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy 3DS puzzle 08. studeni 2013.
Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 PSP sport 08. studeni 2013.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Collection PlayStation 3 Collection 08. studeni 2013.
Worms: The Revolution Collection PlayStation 3 Collection 08. studeni 2013.
Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games WIIU sport 08. studeni 2013.
Sacrilegium Xbox 360 RPG 08. studeni 2013.
Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 PlayStation 2 sport 08. studeni 2013.
Let’s Sing 2014 Wii glazbena igra 08. studeni 2013.
Sacrilegium PlayStation 3 RPG 08. studeni 2013.
Space Rangers HD: A War Apart PC strategija 08. studeni 2013.
Dream Pinball 3D II PlayStation 3 akcija 13. studeni 2013.
Dream Pinball 3D II PC akcija 13. studeni 2013.
Dream Pinball 3D II Xbox 360 akcija 13. studeni 2013.
Dream Pinball 3D II 3DS akcija 13. studeni 2013.
Dream Pinball 3D II WIIU akcija 13. studeni 2013.
Petz Sea 3DS Virtual Pet 14. studeni 2013.
Petz Countryside 3DS Virtual Pet 14. studeni 2013.
Contrast – Collector’s Edition PC avantura 14. studeni 2013.
SimCity: Cities of Tomorrow PC strategija 15. studeni 2013.
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes WIIU akcija/avantura 15. studeni 2013.
XCOM: Enemy Within PlayStation 3 strategija 15. studeni 2013.
Terraria PlayStation 3 akcija/avantura 15. studeni 2013.
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes DS akcija/avantura 15. studeni 2013.
X Rebirth PC simulator 15. studeni 2013.
Sudoku + 7 other Complex Puzzles by Nikoli 3DS puzzle 15. studeni 2013.
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 DS akcija/avantura 15. studeni 2013.
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes PSV akcija/avantura 15. studeni 2013.
XCOM: Enemy Within PC strategija 15. studeni 2013.
Girls’ Fashion Shoot 3DS Lifestyle 15. studeni 2013.
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 3DS akcija/avantura 15. studeni 2013.
Duck Tales Remastered PC akcija/avantura 15. studeni 2013.
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 3DS akcija/avantura 15. studeni 2013.
Deadfall Adventures PC FPS 15. studeni 2013.
Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I Don’t Know Xbox 360 akcija/avantura 15. studeni 2013.
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes PlayStation 3 akcija/avantura 15. studeni 2013.
Wonderbook: Walking With Dinosaurs PlayStation 3 zabavna igra 15. studeni 2013.
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Xbox 360 akcija/avantura 15. studeni 2013.
XCOM: Enemy Within Xbox 360 strategija 15. studeni 2013.
Doodle Jump 3DS puzzle 15. studeni 2013.
Deadfall Adventures Xbox 360 FPS 15. studeni 2013.
Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I Don’t Know PlayStation 3 akcija/avantura 15. studeni 2013.
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes PC akcija/avantura 15. studeni 2013.
Ratchet & Clank: Nexus PlayStation 3 akcija 15. studeni 2013.
Wonderbook: Book of Potions PlayStation 3 zabavna igra 15. studeni 2013.
Emergency 2014 PC simulator 15. studeni 2013.
Battlefield 4: China Rising PC FPS 20. studeni 2013.
Ben 10 Omniverse 2 Xbox 360 avantura 22. studeni 2013.
The Amazing Spider-Man PSV akcija 22. studeni 2013.
Need for Speed: Rivals XBO utrkivanje 22. studeni 2013.
Barbie: Dreamhouse Party Wii puzzle 22. studeni 2013.
Tearaway PSV zabavna igra 22. studeni 2013.
Ryse: Son of Rome XBO FPS 22. studeni 2013.
NBA 2K14 XBO sport 22. studeni 2013.
Fighter Within XBO sport 22. studeni 2013.
Young Justice: Legacy Xbox 360 RPG 22. studeni 2013.
Ben 10 Omniverse 2 3DS avantura 22. studeni 2013.
Monster High: 13 Wishes – The Official Game Wii Party 22. studeni 2013.
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag WIIU akcija 22. studeni 2013.
Battlefield 4 XBO FPS 22. studeni 2013.
Young Justice: Legacy 3DS RPG 22. studeni 2013.
Dead Rising 3 XBO akcija 22. studeni 2013.
Ben 10 Omniverse 2 PlayStation 3 avantura 22. studeni 2013.
Barbie: Dreamhouse Party DS puzzle 22. studeni 2013.
FIFA 14 XBO sport 22. studeni 2013.
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes XBO akcija/avantura 22. studeni 2013.
Young Justice: Legacy PlayStation 3 RPG 22. studeni 2013.
Zoo Tycoon XBO simulator 22. studeni 2013.
Ben 10 Omniverse 2 Wii avantura 22. studeni 2013.
Monster High: 13 Wishes – The Official Game DS Party 22. studeni 2013.
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag PC akcija 22. studeni 2013.
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag XBO akcija 22. studeni 2013.
Madden NFL 25 XBO sport 22. studeni 2013.
Skylanders: Swap Force XBO akcija 22. studeni 2013.
Need for Speed: Rivals PlayStation 3 utrkivanje 22. studeni 2013.
Barbie: Dreamhouse Party 3DS puzzle 22. studeni 2013.
Young Justice: Legacy PC RPG 22. studeni 2013.
Peggle 2 XBO puzzle 22. studeni 2013.
Ben 10 Omniverse 2 WIIU avantura 22. studeni 2013.
Monster High: 13 Wishes – The Official Game 3DS Party 22. studeni 2013.
Need for Speed: Rivals Xbox 360 utrkivanje 22. studeni 2013.
Barbie: Dreamhouse Party WIIU puzzle 22. studeni 2013.
Power Rangers: Megaforce 3DS akcija 22. studeni 2013.
Zumba Fitness World Party XBO sport 22. studeni 2013.
Forza Motorsport 5 XBO utrkivanje 22. studeni 2013.
Need for Speed: Rivals PC utrkivanje 22. studeni 2013.
Monster High: 13 Wishes – The Official Game WIIU Party 22. studeni 2013.
Young Justice: Legacy WIIU RPG 22. studeni 2013.
Call of Duty: Ghosts XBO FPS 22. studeni 2013.
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds 3DS RPG 22. studeni 2013.
NBA Live 14 XBO sport 22. studeni 2013.
Young Justice: Legacy DS RPG 22. studeni 2013.
Just Dance 2014 XBO glazbena igra 22. studeni 2013.
The Pinball Arcade PS4 puzzle 29. studeni 2013.
Scuba Diver The Simulation PC simulator 29. studeni 2013.
Zumba Kids Xbox 360 sport 29. studeni 2013.
Injustice: Gods Among Us – Ultimate Edition PSV tučnjava 29. studeni 2013.
NBA Live 14 PS4 sport 29. studeni 2013.
Zumba Fitness World Party Wii sport 29. studeni 2013.
Super Mario 3D World WIIU akcija 29. studeni 2013.
Need for Speed: Rivals PS4 utrkivanje 29. studeni 2013.
Putty Squad PS4 strategija 29. studeni 2013.
NBA 2K14 PS4 sport 29. studeni 2013.
Putty Squad PC strategija 29. studeni 2013.
Injustice: Gods Among Us – Ultimate Edition PC tučnjava 29. studeni 2013.
One Piece: Romance Dawn 3DS tučnjava 29. studeni 2013.
LEGO Friends DS akcija 29. studeni 2013.
Zumba Fitness World Party Xbox 360 sport 29. studeni 2013.
Killzone: Shadow Fall PS4 akcija 29. studeni 2013.
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes PS4 akcija/avantura 29. studeni 2013.
FIFA 14 PS4 sport 29. studeni 2013.
Putty Squad PlayStation 3 strategija 29. studeni 2013.
Putty Squad PSV strategija 29. studeni 2013.
Call of Duty: Ghosts PS4 FPS 29. studeni 2013.
Just Dance 2014 PS4 glazbena igra 29. studeni 2013.
Professional Farming 2014 PC simulator 29. studeni 2013.
Knack PS4 akcija/avantura 29. studeni 2013.
LEGO Friends 3DS akcija 29. studeni 2013.
Madden NFL 25 PS4 sport 29. studeni 2013.
Skylanders: Swap Force PS4 akcija 29. studeni 2013.
Fishing Simulator 2014 PC simulator 29. studeni 2013.
Zumba Kids Wii sport 29. studeni 2013.
Injustice: Gods Among Us – Ultimate Edition PS4 tučnjava 29. studeni 2013.
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag PS4 akcija 29. studeni 2013.
Battlefield 4 PS4 FPS 29. studeni 2013.
Zumba Fitness World Party WIIU sport 29. studeni 2013.
4 Elements 3DS puzzle 30. studeni 2013.
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze WIIU akcija četvrti kvartal 2013.
Zoo Tycoon Xbox 360 simulator četvrti kvartal 2013.
Scribblenauts Unmasked – A DC Comics Adventure WIIU puzzle četvrti kvartal 2013.
Woodcutter Simulator 2014 PC simulator četvrti kvartal 2013.
Football Manager Classic 2014 PSV sport četvrti kvartal 2013.
Mario Party: Island Tour 3DS Party četvrti kvartal 2013.
Scribblenauts Unmasked – A DC Comics Adventure PC puzzle četvrti kvartal 2013.
Tow Truck Simulator 2014 PC simulator četvrti kvartal 2013.
Toukiden PSV RPG četvrti kvartal 2013.
Scribblenauts Unmasked – A DC Comics Adventure 3DS puzzle četvrti kvartal 2013.
Arctic Trucker PC simulator četvrti kvartal 2013.
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12. ožujak 2025 05:24