FOTO: NAJSLAĐI ŽITELJI BERLINSKOG ZOOLOŠKOG VRTA Prve pande rođene u Njemačkoj spremne za predstavljanje javnosti, karte razgrabljene

 STR/Zoo Berlin / AFP

Najslađe zvijezde berlinskog zoološkog vrta spremne su u u četvrtak za predstavljanje javnosti i posjetitelji su pohrlili rezervirati ulaznice kako bi upoznali braću Meng Xiang i Meng Yuan, prve pande rođene u Njemačkoj.

Prije službenog predstavljanja javnosti, petomjesečni blizanci u srijedu su bili predstavljeni novinarima. Njihova majka Meng Meng i mladunci dosad su većinu vremena proveli unutar nastambe.

A picture taken on January 29, 2020 shows Meng Yuan and Meng Xiang, two Berlin-born Chinese panda cubs, with their mother Meng Meng at their enclosure during their first presentation to the public at the Zoologischer Garten zoo in Berlin. - Meng Meng gave birth to twins on August 31, 2019. On loan from China, Meng Meng and male panda Jiao Qing arrived in Berlin in June 2017. While the cubs, Meng Yuan and Meng Xiang, are born in Berlin, they remain Chinese and must be returned to China within four years after they have been weaned. (Photo by Tobias SCHWARZ / AFP)
A picture taken on January 29, 2020 shows one of the two giant panda cubs with his mother Meng Meng at their enclosure during the first presentation of Berlin-born Chinese panda cubs Meng Yuan and Meng Xiang to the public at the Zoologischer Garten zoo in Berlin. - Meng Meng gave birth to twins on August 31, 2019. On loan from China, Meng Meng and male panda Jiao Qing arrived in Berlin in June 2017. While the cubs, Meng Yuan and Meng Xiang, are born in Berlin, they remain Chinese and must be returned to China within four years after they have been weaned. (Photo by Tobias SCHWARZ / AFP)

"Zdravi su, znatiželjni i prate svoju majku. Više su nego spremni za prvi izlazak u javnost", rekao je ravnatelj zoološkog vrta Andreas Knieriem o pandama koje su njihovi timaritelji od milja nazvali Pit i Paule.

Zoo se priprema za naporan dan u četvrtak pa je pripremio posebne štandove za prodaju karata i osiguranje koje će se skrbiti da prostor oko nastambe panda ne bude prenapučen.

A picture taken on January 29, 2020 shows Meng Yuan and Meng Xiang, two Berlin-born Chinese panda cubs, at their enclosure during their first presentation to the public at the Zoologischer Garten zoo in Berlin. - Meng Meng gave birth to twins on August 31, 2019. On loan from China, Meng Meng and male panda Jiao Qing arrived in Berlin in June 2017. While the cubs, Meng Yuan and Meng Xiang, are born in Berlin, they remain Chinese and must be returned to China within four years after they have been weaned. (Photo by Tobias SCHWARZ / AFP)
A picture taken on January 29, 2020 shows Meng Yuan and Meng Xiang, two Berlin-born Chinese panda cubs, at their enclosure during their first presentation to the public at the Zoologischer Garten zoo in Berlin. - Meng Meng gave birth to twins on August 31, 2019. On loan from China, Meng Meng and male panda Jiao Qing arrived in Berlin in June 2017. While the cubs, Meng Yuan and Meng Xiang, are born in Berlin, they remain Chinese and must be returned to China within four years after they have been weaned. (Photo by Tobias SCHWARZ / AFP)
A picture taken behind a window on January 29, 2020 shows keepers, including Yang Cheng (R) carrying Meng Yuan and Meng Xiang, two Berlin-born Chinese panda cubs, in their enclosure during their first presentation to the public at the Zoologischer Garten zoo in Berlin. - Meng Meng gave birth to twins on August 31, 2019. On loan from China, Meng Meng and male panda Jiao Qing arrived in Berlin in June 2017. While the cubs, Meng Yuan and Meng Xiang, are born in Berlin, they remain Chinese and must be returned to China within four years after they have been weaned. (Photo by Tobias SCHWARZ / AFP)

Meng Meng, divovska panda koju je Kina posudila Njemačkoj na 15 godina, okotila je blizance 31. kolovoza na oduševljenje cijele zemlje. Ovo je prvi put da su pande došle na svijet u Njemačkoj.

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28. rujan 2024 17:35