FOTO: DIZAJNERI IZ 15 ZEMALJA POKAZALI SU ŠTO ZNAČI IDEAL LJEPOTE Od Argentine preko Srbije do Kine, evo kako izgleda savršeno žensko tijelo

Jedne od najvećih ljepotica današnjice: Kim Kardashian, Scarlett Johansson i Ruby Rose
 Face To Face A/Newscom/Alamy / Profimedia

Mnogi ljudi provode sate i sate tjedno znojeći se u teretanama, na stazama na trčanje ili na biciklu kako bi postigli savršenu figuru. Međutim, nove ilustracije pokazuju koliko se ideal ljepote, pa tako i figure, razlikuje od zemlje do zemlje, a razlike su vidljive čak i kod susjednih zemalja.

Fotografiju 28-godišnje žene u sportskim boksericama i topu obradilo je dodatno 15 dizajnera iz cijelog svijeta i to tako da bude najsličnija onome što se u njihovoj zemlji doživljava kao savršeno tijelo. Akciju je pokrenula tvrtka koja nudi proizvode i usluge za fitness FitRated, a svim je zemljama otkrila dvije stvari zajedničke: svi cijene ravan trbuh i uski struk.

Unatoč tome, izmijenjene fotografije pokazuju razlike među preferencijama pa se tako u nekim zemljama više cijeni sportska figura, dok su u drugima na cijeni obline. U projekt su bili uključeni dizajneri iz Argentine, Čilea, Kine, Italije, Meksika, Nizozemske, Nigerije, Perua, Filipina, Rumunjske, Srbije, Južne Afrike, Španjolske, Ukrajine i SAD-a.

Primjerice tijelo kakvo ima Kim Kardashian više će se cijeniti u Peruu nego u Americi gdje je očito sportski izgled najprivlačniji jer su modelu dodali mišićni tonus. Ta južnoamerička zemlja jedina je modelu značajno povećala opseg bokova. Na malo veći broj grudi išli su dizajneri iz Meksika, Kine, Argentine, Nizozemske i Nigerije.

Ferrari Press Agency                                                                     
Ref 8659	 
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A fascinating new graphic reveals how the ideal female physique can change depending on which country you live in. Designers from 15 countries were challenged  by on-line fitness products and services resource FitRated to alter an image of a 28-year-old woman to fit their country’s perception of “fit.” They were from Argentina, Chile , China, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Romania, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Ukraine and the USA.They were asked them to think about the aspects of a woman’s physique that are considered when they think of a fit body and to alter images accordingly.The  results appeared to show that people in every country appreciated a small waist and flat stomach.However, the images also show major differences in terms of how slim, athletic or curvy the preferred body type is.It turns out the “Kardashian body” may be more ideal in Peru than the U.S. The South American country was the only country that significantly increased the size of the model’s glutes. Most countries only slightly changed her chest size, as well. Mexico, China, Argentina, the Netherlands, and Nigeria gave her breasts more of an augmentation than the rest of the countries. Overall, almost all of our designers chose to alter the model’s obliques, slimming her silhouette.In the US, the desired physique appears to be athletic, with added muscle definition photoshopped onto the image. But in China, the figure was made to look slimmer, with a particular focus on a toned stomach.In  Mexico, there was more emphasis on wider hips, which the artist explained is considered sexy there. The side-profile images also show countries have different perceptions of what is desirable when it comes to the derriere.Mexico, Peru and the Netherlands and South Africa were the countries that added the most volume and definition to the rear.The Fitrated report said:  “ Artists from all 15 countries took in the waist of our model and tightened her abdomen. “While the waist was tightened and flattened, ab muscles were a prevalent focus in many countries.“The model’s arms seemed to be the least tweaked body part, with only the U.S., Spain, and Italy adding muscle definition. “The report concluded: “The ideal body has changed numerous times over the years and continues to differ between countries to this day. “As society shifts focus from being thin to fit, the ideal body will change as well. “While some countries thought the ideal fit body should have some curves, China was the only country to favour a petite frame overall. “However, getting fit isn’t about living up to your country’s version of an ideal body – it’s about being healthy and feeling comfortable in your own skin.“Argentina and China, however, altered her body to be much thinner than the rest. “While China thinned out every part of her body, Argentina kept curves in her hips and thickness in her thighs. “A thicker lower body was a common feature in most of the countries, especially Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Spain, and the U.S., where a thigh gap was almost nonexistent.“An ideal body isn’t the only or main reason people turn to fitness. “People often use exercise as a way to escape from normal life duties and stress or to work toward a healthier lifestyle. The body that results from the hard work they put in – well, that’s just a bonus.“With such a busy schedule, it would seem our model doesn’t spend all of her time in the gym, hoping to look like someone on the cover of a magazine or the Photoshopped versions of herself. “She balances her time between graduate school, the gym, and living her usual social life. “Her fitness goals aren’t centered around a gap between her thighs or six-pack abs – but on giving her brain a break from the stress and strain of school and everyday life. “Of course, though, you won’t hear her complaining about the muscles she’s gained from the 30 miles she runs each week.”Here’s the country-by country breakdown of what designers from each country told FitRated abut the changes they made to the model.Argentina:For Argentinians, the “fit” concept relies on a more skinny side, since society is surrounded with ads, media, celebrities, etc., that portrays a really slim image of what a “healthy” woman is. The media promotes fitness and wellness using models with really tiny waists who seem not to have any fat on their bodies. The market promotes the heavy consumption of food that has the advantage of being zero fat, zero sugar, zero calories, etc. This is perceived as healthy and better than eating foods with natural nutrients. The way of exercising is no better: Cardio routines are taken to an extreme and all weight training is avoided since women are against getting too “bulky.
Profimedia, Ferrari
Ferrari Press Agency                                                                     
Ref 8659	 
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A fascinating new graphic reveals how the ideal female physique can change depending on which country you live in. Designers from 15 countries were challenged  by on-line fitness products and services resource FitRated to alter an image of a 28-year-old woman to fit their country’s perception of “fit.” They were from Argentina, Chile , China, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Romania, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Ukraine and the USA.They were asked them to think about the aspects of a woman’s physique that are considered when they think of a fit body and to alter images accordingly.The  results appeared to show that people in every country appreciated a small waist and flat stomach.However, the images also show major differences in terms of how slim, athletic or curvy the preferred body type is.It turns out the “Kardashian body” may be more ideal in Peru than the U.S. The South American country was the only country that significantly increased the size of the model’s glutes. Most countries only slightly changed her chest size, as well. Mexico, China, Argentina, the Netherlands, and Nigeria gave her breasts more of an augmentation than the rest of the countries. Overall, almost all of our designers chose to alter the model’s obliques, slimming her silhouette.In the US, the desired physique appears to be athletic, with added muscle definition photoshopped onto the image. But in China, the figure was made to look slimmer, with a particular focus on a toned stomach.In  Mexico, there was more emphasis on wider hips, which the artist explained is considered sexy there. The side-profile images also show countries have different perceptions of what is desirable when it comes to the derriere.Mexico, Peru and the Netherlands and South Africa were the countries that added the most volume and definition to the rear.The Fitrated report said:  “ Artists from all 15 countries took in the waist of our model and tightened her abdomen. “While the waist was tightened and flattened, ab muscles were a prevalent focus in many countries.“The model’s arms seemed to be the least tweaked body part, with only the U.S., Spain, and Italy adding muscle definition. “The report concluded: “The ideal body has changed numerous times over the years and continues to differ between countries to this day. “As society shifts focus from being thin to fit, the ideal body will change as well. “While some countries thought the ideal fit body should have some curves, China was the only country to favour a petite frame overall. “However, getting fit isn’t about living up to your country’s version of an ideal body – it’s about being healthy and feeling comfortable in your own skin.“Argentina and China, however, altered her body to be much thinner than the rest. “While China thinned out every part of her body, Argentina kept curves in her hips and thickness in her thighs. “A thicker lower body was a common feature in most of the countries, especially Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Spain, and the U.S., where a thigh gap was almost nonexistent.“An ideal body isn’t the only or main reason people turn to fitness. “People often use exercise as a way to escape from normal life duties and stress or to work toward a healthier lifestyle. The body that results from the hard work they put in – well, that’s just a bonus.“With such a busy schedule, it would seem our model doesn’t spend all of her time in the gym, hoping to look like someone on the cover of a magazine or the Photoshopped versions of herself. “She balances her time between graduate school, the gym, and living her usual social life. “Her fitness goals aren’t centered around a gap between her thighs or six-pack abs – but on giving her brain a break from the stress and strain of school and everyday life. “Of course, though, you won’t hear her complaining about the muscles she’s gained from the 30 miles she runs each week.”Here’s the country-by country breakdown of what designers from each country told FitRated abut the changes they made to the model.Argentina:For Argentinians, the “fit” concept relies on a more skinny side, since society is surrounded with ads, media, celebrities, etc., that portrays a really slim image of what a “healthy” woman is. The media promotes fitness and wellness using models with really tiny waists who seem not to have any fat on their bodies. The market promotes the heavy consumption of food that has the advantage of being zero fat, zero sugar, zero calories, etc. This is perceived as healthy and better than eating foods with natural nutrients. The way of exercising is no better: Cardio routines are taken to an extreme and all weight training is avoided since women are against getting too “bulky.
Profimedia, Ferrari

Kinezi su figuru modela malo stanjili, a naglasak su stavili na tonirane trbušne mišiće dok su Meksikanci proširili i bokove što se u toj zemlji smatra seksi karakteristikom. Na fotografijama koje su slikane s boka vidljivo je da su povećanja na stražnjici radili dizajneri iz Meksika, Perua, Nizozemske i Južne Afrike.

‘Slika idealnog tijela promijenila se nebrojeno puta tijekom godina i nastavlja se razlikovati od države do države do današnjeg dana. No, cilje vježbanja ne treba biti postizanje ideala ljepote koji se njeguje u određenoj zemlji, već zdravlje i osjećaj da se čovjek osjeća ugodno u svojoj koži’, zaključak je FitRateda.

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Ferrari Press Agency                                                                     
Ref 8659	 
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A fascinating new graphic reveals how the ideal female physique can change depending on which country you live in. Designers from 15 countries were challenged  by on-line fitness products and services resource FitRated to alter an image of a 28-year-old woman to fit their country’s perception of “fit.” They were from Argentina, Chile , China, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Romania, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Ukraine and the USA.They were asked them to think about the aspects of a woman’s physique that are considered when they think of a fit body and to alter images accordingly.The  results appeared to show that people in every country appreciated a small waist and flat stomach.However, the images also show major differences in terms of how slim, athletic or curvy the preferred body type is.It turns out the “Kardashian body” may be more ideal in Peru than the U.S. The South American country was the only country that significantly increased the size of the model’s glutes. Most countries only slightly changed her chest size, as well. Mexico, China, Argentina, the Netherlands, and Nigeria gave her breasts more of an augmentation than the rest of the countries. Overall, almost all of our designers chose to alter the model’s obliques, slimming her silhouette.In the US, the desired physique appears to be athletic, with added muscle definition photoshopped onto the image. But in China, the figure was made to look slimmer, with a particular focus on a toned stomach.In  Mexico, there was more emphasis on wider hips, which the artist explained is considered sexy there. The side-profile images also show countries have different perceptions of what is desirable when it comes to the derriere.Mexico, Peru and the Netherlands and South Africa were the countries that added the most volume and definition to the rear.The Fitrated report said:  “ Artists from all 15 countries took in the waist of our model and tightened her abdomen. “While the waist was tightened and flattened, ab muscles were a prevalent focus in many countries.“The model’s arms seemed to be the least tweaked body part, with only the U.S., Spain, and Italy adding muscle definition. “The report concluded: “The ideal body has changed numerous times over the years and continues to differ between countries to this day. “As society shifts focus from being thin to fit, the ideal body will change as well. “While some countries thought the ideal fit body should have some curves, China was the only country to favour a petite frame overall. “However, getting fit isn’t about living up to your country’s version of an ideal body – it’s about being healthy and feeling comfortable in your own skin.“Argentina and China, however, altered her body to be much thinner than the rest. “While China thinned out every part of her body, Argentina kept curves in her hips and thickness in her thighs. “A thicker lower body was a common feature in most of the countries, especially Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Spain, and the U.S., where a thigh gap was almost nonexistent.“An ideal body isn’t the only or main reason people turn to fitness. “People often use exercise as a way to escape from normal life duties and stress or to work toward a healthier lifestyle. The body that results from the hard work they put in – well, that’s just a bonus.“With such a busy schedule, it would seem our model doesn’t spend all of her time in the gym, hoping to look like someone on the cover of a magazine or the Photoshopped versions of herself. “She balances her time between graduate school, the gym, and living her usual social life. “Her fitness goals aren’t centered around a gap between her thighs or six-pack abs – but on giving her brain a break from the stress and strain of school and everyday life. “Of course, though, you won’t hear her complaining about the muscles she’s gained from the 30 miles she runs each week.”Here’s the country-by country breakdown of what designers from each country told FitRated abut the changes they made to the model.Argentina:For Argentinians, the “fit” concept relies on a more skinny side, since society is surrounded with ads, media, celebrities, etc., that portrays a really slim image of what a “healthy” woman is. The media promotes fitness and wellness using models with really tiny waists who seem not to have any fat on their bodies. The market promotes the heavy consumption of food that has the advantage of being zero fat, zero sugar, zero calories, etc. This is perceived as healthy and better than eating foods with natural nutrients. The way of exercising is no better: Cardio routines are taken to an extreme and all weight training is avoided since women are against getting too “bulky.
Profimedia, Ferrari
Argentinski je dizajner modelu općenito stanjio figuru i dodatno naglasio struk. Idealna figurna u Čileu je mišićava, a kineski je dizajner najviše stanjio figuru modela dajući mu čak dječački izgled.

Ferrari Press Agency                                                                     
Ref 8659	 
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See Ferrari text
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A fascinating new graphic reveals how the ideal female physique can change depending on which country you live in. Designers from 15 countries were challenged  by on-line fitness products and services resource FitRated to alter an image of a 28-year-old woman to fit their country’s perception of “fit.” They were from Argentina, Chile , China, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Romania, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Ukraine and the USA.They were asked them to think about the aspects of a woman’s physique that are considered when they think of a fit body and to alter images accordingly.The  results appeared to show that people in every country appreciated a small waist and flat stomach.However, the images also show major differences in terms of how slim, athletic or curvy the preferred body type is.It turns out the “Kardashian body” may be more ideal in Peru than the U.S. The South American country was the only country that significantly increased the size of the model’s glutes. Most countries only slightly changed her chest size, as well. Mexico, China, Argentina, the Netherlands, and Nigeria gave her breasts more of an augmentation than the rest of the countries. Overall, almost all of our designers chose to alter the model’s obliques, slimming her silhouette.In the US, the desired physique appears to be athletic, with added muscle definition photoshopped onto the image. But in China, the figure was made to look slimmer, with a particular focus on a toned stomach.In  Mexico, there was more emphasis on wider hips, which the artist explained is considered sexy there. The side-profile images also show countries have different perceptions of what is desirable when it comes to the derriere.Mexico, Peru and the Netherlands and South Africa were the countries that added the most volume and definition to the rear.The Fitrated report said:  “ Artists from all 15 countries took in the waist of our model and tightened her abdomen. “While the waist was tightened and flattened, ab muscles were a prevalent focus in many countries.“The model’s arms seemed to be the least tweaked body part, with only the U.S., Spain, and Italy adding muscle definition. “The report concluded: “The ideal body has changed numerous times over the years and continues to differ between countries to this day. “As society shifts focus from being thin to fit, the ideal body will change as well. “While some countries thought the ideal fit body should have some curves, China was the only country to favour a petite frame overall. “However, getting fit isn’t about living up to your country’s version of an ideal body – it’s about being healthy and feeling comfortable in your own skin.“Argentina and China, however, altered her body to be much thinner than the rest. “While China thinned out every part of her body, Argentina kept curves in her hips and thickness in her thighs. “A thicker lower body was a common feature in most of the countries, especially Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Spain, and the U.S., where a thigh gap was almost nonexistent.“An ideal body isn’t the only or main reason people turn to fitness. “People often use exercise as a way to escape from normal life duties and stress or to work toward a healthier lifestyle. The body that results from the hard work they put in – well, that’s just a bonus.“With such a busy schedule, it would seem our model doesn’t spend all of her time in the gym, hoping to look like someone on the cover of a magazine or the Photoshopped versions of herself. “She balances her time between graduate school, the gym, and living her usual social life. “Her fitness goals aren’t centered around a gap between her thighs or six-pack abs – but on giving her brain a break from the stress and strain of school and everyday life. “Of course, though, you won’t hear her complaining about the muscles she’s gained from the 30 miles she runs each week.”Here’s the country-by country breakdown of what designers from each country told FitRated abut the changes they made to the model.Argentina:For Argentinians, the “fit” concept relies on a more skinny side, since society is surrounded with ads, media, celebrities, etc., that portrays a really slim image of what a “healthy” woman is. The media promotes fitness and wellness using models with really tiny waists who seem not to have any fat on their bodies. The market promotes the heavy consumption of food that has the advantage of being zero fat, zero sugar, zero calories, etc. This is perceived as healthy and better than eating foods with natural nutrients. The way of exercising is no better: Cardio routines are taken to an extreme and all weight training is avoided since women are against getting too “bulky.
Profimedia, Ferrari
Talijani također vole sportsku figuru, no ipak s nešto oblina; meksički ideal je nešto širi s izraženim bokovima, a nizozemski s mišićavim nogama i definiranim strukom.

Ferrari Press Agency                                                                     
Ref 8659	 
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See Ferrari text
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A fascinating new graphic reveals how the ideal female physique can change depending on which country you live in. Designers from 15 countries were challenged  by on-line fitness products and services resource FitRated to alter an image of a 28-year-old woman to fit their country’s perception of “fit.” They were from Argentina, Chile , China, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Romania, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Ukraine and the USA.They were asked them to think about the aspects of a woman’s physique that are considered when they think of a fit body and to alter images accordingly.The  results appeared to show that people in every country appreciated a small waist and flat stomach.However, the images also show major differences in terms of how slim, athletic or curvy the preferred body type is.It turns out the “Kardashian body” may be more ideal in Peru than the U.S. The South American country was the only country that significantly increased the size of the model’s glutes. Most countries only slightly changed her chest size, as well. Mexico, China, Argentina, the Netherlands, and Nigeria gave her breasts more of an augmentation than the rest of the countries. Overall, almost all of our designers chose to alter the model’s obliques, slimming her silhouette.In the US, the desired physique appears to be athletic, with added muscle definition photoshopped onto the image. But in China, the figure was made to look slimmer, with a particular focus on a toned stomach.In  Mexico, there was more emphasis on wider hips, which the artist explained is considered sexy there. The side-profile images also show countries have different perceptions of what is desirable when it comes to the derriere.Mexico, Peru and the Netherlands and South Africa were the countries that added the most volume and definition to the rear.The Fitrated report said:  “ Artists from all 15 countries took in the waist of our model and tightened her abdomen. “While the waist was tightened and flattened, ab muscles were a prevalent focus in many countries.“The model’s arms seemed to be the least tweaked body part, with only the U.S., Spain, and Italy adding muscle definition. “The report concluded: “The ideal body has changed numerous times over the years and continues to differ between countries to this day. “As society shifts focus from being thin to fit, the ideal body will change as well. “While some countries thought the ideal fit body should have some curves, China was the only country to favour a petite frame overall. “However, getting fit isn’t about living up to your country’s version of an ideal body – it’s about being healthy and feeling comfortable in your own skin.“Argentina and China, however, altered her body to be much thinner than the rest. “While China thinned out every part of her body, Argentina kept curves in her hips and thickness in her thighs. “A thicker lower body was a common feature in most of the countries, especially Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Spain, and the U.S., where a thigh gap was almost nonexistent.“An ideal body isn’t the only or main reason people turn to fitness. “People often use exercise as a way to escape from normal life duties and stress or to work toward a healthier lifestyle. The body that results from the hard work they put in – well, that’s just a bonus.“With such a busy schedule, it would seem our model doesn’t spend all of her time in the gym, hoping to look like someone on the cover of a magazine or the Photoshopped versions of herself. “She balances her time between graduate school, the gym, and living her usual social life. “Her fitness goals aren’t centered around a gap between her thighs or six-pack abs – but on giving her brain a break from the stress and strain of school and everyday life. “Of course, though, you won’t hear her complaining about the muscles she’s gained from the 30 miles she runs each week.”Here’s the country-by country breakdown of what designers from each country told FitRated abut the changes they made to the model.Argentina:For Argentinians, the “fit” concept relies on a more skinny side, since society is surrounded with ads, media, celebrities, etc., that portrays a really slim image of what a “healthy” woman is. The media promotes fitness and wellness using models with really tiny waists who seem not to have any fat on their bodies. The market promotes the heavy consumption of food that has the advantage of being zero fat, zero sugar, zero calories, etc. This is perceived as healthy and better than eating foods with natural nutrients. The way of exercising is no better: Cardio routines are taken to an extreme and all weight training is avoided since women are against getting too “bulky.
Profimedia, Ferrari
Nigerijski ideal ljepote podrazumijeva malo šire bokove, dizajner iz Perua naglasio je bokove i trbušnjake dok je filipinski dizajner modelu spustio ramena i dao dojam nježnije figure.

Ferrari Press Agency                                                                     
Ref 8659	 
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See Ferrari text
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A fascinating new graphic reveals how the ideal female physique can change depending on which country you live in. Designers from 15 countries were challenged  by on-line fitness products and services resource FitRated to alter an image of a 28-year-old woman to fit their country’s perception of “fit.” They were from Argentina, Chile , China, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Romania, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Ukraine and the USA.They were asked them to think about the aspects of a woman’s physique that are considered when they think of a fit body and to alter images accordingly.The  results appeared to show that people in every country appreciated a small waist and flat stomach.However, the images also show major differences in terms of how slim, athletic or curvy the preferred body type is.It turns out the “Kardashian body” may be more ideal in Peru than the U.S. The South American country was the only country that significantly increased the size of the model’s glutes. Most countries only slightly changed her chest size, as well. Mexico, China, Argentina, the Netherlands, and Nigeria gave her breasts more of an augmentation than the rest of the countries. Overall, almost all of our designers chose to alter the model’s obliques, slimming her silhouette.In the US, the desired physique appears to be athletic, with added muscle definition photoshopped onto the image. But in China, the figure was made to look slimmer, with a particular focus on a toned stomach.In  Mexico, there was more emphasis on wider hips, which the artist explained is considered sexy there. The side-profile images also show countries have different perceptions of what is desirable when it comes to the derriere.Mexico, Peru and the Netherlands and South Africa were the countries that added the most volume and definition to the rear.The Fitrated report said:  “ Artists from all 15 countries took in the waist of our model and tightened her abdomen. “While the waist was tightened and flattened, ab muscles were a prevalent focus in many countries.“The model’s arms seemed to be the least tweaked body part, with only the U.S., Spain, and Italy adding muscle definition. “The report concluded: “The ideal body has changed numerous times over the years and continues to differ between countries to this day. “As society shifts focus from being thin to fit, the ideal body will change as well. “While some countries thought the ideal fit body should have some curves, China was the only country to favour a petite frame overall. “However, getting fit isn’t about living up to your country’s version of an ideal body – it’s about being healthy and feeling comfortable in your own skin.“Argentina and China, however, altered her body to be much thinner than the rest. “While China thinned out every part of her body, Argentina kept curves in her hips and thickness in her thighs. “A thicker lower body was a common feature in most of the countries, especially Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Spain, and the U.S., where a thigh gap was almost nonexistent.“An ideal body isn’t the only or main reason people turn to fitness. “People often use exercise as a way to escape from normal life duties and stress or to work toward a healthier lifestyle. The body that results from the hard work they put in – well, that’s just a bonus.“With such a busy schedule, it would seem our model doesn’t spend all of her time in the gym, hoping to look like someone on the cover of a magazine or the Photoshopped versions of herself. “She balances her time between graduate school, the gym, and living her usual social life. “Her fitness goals aren’t centered around a gap between her thighs or six-pack abs – but on giving her brain a break from the stress and strain of school and everyday life. “Of course, though, you won’t hear her complaining about the muscles she’s gained from the 30 miles she runs each week.”Here’s the country-by country breakdown of what designers from each country told FitRated abut the changes they made to the model.Argentina:For Argentinians, the “fit” concept relies on a more skinny side, since society is surrounded with ads, media, celebrities, etc., that portrays a really slim image of what a “healthy” woman is. The media promotes fitness and wellness using models with really tiny waists who seem not to have any fat on their bodies. The market promotes the heavy consumption of food that has the advantage of being zero fat, zero sugar, zero calories, etc. This is perceived as healthy and better than eating foods with natural nutrients. The way of exercising is no better: Cardio routines are taken to an extreme and all weight training is avoided since women are against getting too “bulky.
Profimedia, Ferrari
Rumunjski je dizajner malo stanjio figuru modela, a naglasak je stavio na izražene trbušnjake; srpska je verzija gotovo identična originalnoj, no proporcije su malo 'popravljene' bez naglaska na jedan dio tijela. Južnoafrički dizajner također je samo malo stanjio figuru do savršene.

Ferrari Press Agency                                                                     
Ref 8659	 
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A fascinating new graphic reveals how the ideal female physique can change depending on which country you live in. Designers from 15 countries were challenged  by on-line fitness products and services resource FitRated to alter an image of a 28-year-old woman to fit their country’s perception of “fit.” They were from Argentina, Chile , China, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Romania, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Ukraine and the USA.They were asked them to think about the aspects of a woman’s physique that are considered when they think of a fit body and to alter images accordingly.The  results appeared to show that people in every country appreciated a small waist and flat stomach.However, the images also show major differences in terms of how slim, athletic or curvy the preferred body type is.It turns out the “Kardashian body” may be more ideal in Peru than the U.S. The South American country was the only country that significantly increased the size of the model’s glutes. Most countries only slightly changed her chest size, as well. Mexico, China, Argentina, the Netherlands, and Nigeria gave her breasts more of an augmentation than the rest of the countries. Overall, almost all of our designers chose to alter the model’s obliques, slimming her silhouette.In the US, the desired physique appears to be athletic, with added muscle definition photoshopped onto the image. But in China, the figure was made to look slimmer, with a particular focus on a toned stomach.In  Mexico, there was more emphasis on wider hips, which the artist explained is considered sexy there. The side-profile images also show countries have different perceptions of what is desirable when it comes to the derriere.Mexico, Peru and the Netherlands and South Africa were the countries that added the most volume and definition to the rear.The Fitrated report said:  “ Artists from all 15 countries took in the waist of our model and tightened her abdomen. “While the waist was tightened and flattened, ab muscles were a prevalent focus in many countries.“The model’s arms seemed to be the least tweaked body part, with only the U.S., Spain, and Italy adding muscle definition. “The report concluded: “The ideal body has changed numerous times over the years and continues to differ between countries to this day. “As society shifts focus from being thin to fit, the ideal body will change as well. “While some countries thought the ideal fit body should have some curves, China was the only country to favour a petite frame overall. “However, getting fit isn’t about living up to your country’s version of an ideal body – it’s about being healthy and feeling comfortable in your own skin.“Argentina and China, however, altered her body to be much thinner than the rest. “While China thinned out every part of her body, Argentina kept curves in her hips and thickness in her thighs. “A thicker lower body was a common feature in most of the countries, especially Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Spain, and the U.S., where a thigh gap was almost nonexistent.“An ideal body isn’t the only or main reason people turn to fitness. “People often use exercise as a way to escape from normal life duties and stress or to work toward a healthier lifestyle. The body that results from the hard work they put in – well, that’s just a bonus.“With such a busy schedule, it would seem our model doesn’t spend all of her time in the gym, hoping to look like someone on the cover of a magazine or the Photoshopped versions of herself. “She balances her time between graduate school, the gym, and living her usual social life. “Her fitness goals aren’t centered around a gap between her thighs or six-pack abs – but on giving her brain a break from the stress and strain of school and everyday life. “Of course, though, you won’t hear her complaining about the muscles she’s gained from the 30 miles she runs each week.”Here’s the country-by country breakdown of what designers from each country told FitRated abut the changes they made to the model.Argentina:For Argentinians, the “fit” concept relies on a more skinny side, since society is surrounded with ads, media, celebrities, etc., that portrays a really slim image of what a “healthy” woman is. The media promotes fitness and wellness using models with really tiny waists who seem not to have any fat on their bodies. The market promotes the heavy consumption of food that has the advantage of being zero fat, zero sugar, zero calories, etc. This is perceived as healthy and better than eating foods with natural nutrients. The way of exercising is no better: Cardio routines are taken to an extreme and all weight training is avoided since women are against getting too “bulky.
Profimedia, Ferrari
Španjolski dizajneri dodali su malo muskulature, u Ukrajini se izrazito cijeni uzak struk koji je značajno stanjen, a u SAD-u se cijeni sportski izgled kao i u Španjolskoj.

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Ferrari Press Agency                                                                     
Ref 8659	 
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See Ferrari text
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A fascinating new graphic reveals how the ideal female physique can change depending on which country you live in. Designers from 15 countries were challenged  by on-line fitness products and services resource FitRated to alter an image of a 28-year-old woman to fit their country’s perception of “fit.” They were from Argentina, Chile , China, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Romania, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Ukraine and the USA.They were asked them to think about the aspects of a woman’s physique that are considered when they think of a fit body and to alter images accordingly.The  results appeared to show that people in every country appreciated a small waist and flat stomach.However, the images also show major differences in terms of how slim, athletic or curvy the preferred body type is.It turns out the “Kardashian body” may be more ideal in Peru than the U.S. The South American country was the only country that significantly increased the size of the model’s glutes. Most countries only slightly changed her chest size, as well. Mexico, China, Argentina, the Netherlands, and Nigeria gave her breasts more of an augmentation than the rest of the countries. Overall, almost all of our designers chose to alter the model’s obliques, slimming her silhouette.In the US, the desired physique appears to be athletic, with added muscle definition photoshopped onto the image. But in China, the figure was made to look slimmer, with a particular focus on a toned stomach.In  Mexico, there was more emphasis on wider hips, which the artist explained is considered sexy there. The side-profile images also show countries have different perceptions of what is desirable when it comes to the derriere.Mexico, Peru and the Netherlands and South Africa were the countries that added the most volume and definition to the rear.The Fitrated report said:  “ Artists from all 15 countries took in the waist of our model and tightened her abdomen. “While the waist was tightened and flattened, ab muscles were a prevalent focus in many countries.“The model’s arms seemed to be the least tweaked body part, with only the U.S., Spain, and Italy adding muscle definition. “The report concluded: “The ideal body has changed numerous times over the years and continues to differ between countries to this day. “As society shifts focus from being thin to fit, the ideal body will change as well. “While some countries thought the ideal fit body should have some curves, China was the only country to favour a petite frame overall. “However, getting fit isn’t about living up to your country’s version of an ideal body – it’s about being healthy and feeling comfortable in your own skin.“Argentina and China, however, altered her body to be much thinner than the rest. “While China thinned out every part of her body, Argentina kept curves in her hips and thickness in her thighs. “A thicker lower body was a common feature in most of the countries, especially Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Spain, and the U.S., where a thigh gap was almost nonexistent.“An ideal body isn’t the only or main reason people turn to fitness. “People often use exercise as a way to escape from normal life duties and stress or to work toward a healthier lifestyle. The body that results from the hard work they put in – well, that’s just a bonus.“With such a busy schedule, it would seem our model doesn’t spend all of her time in the gym, hoping to look like someone on the cover of a magazine or the Photoshopped versions of herself. “She balances her time between graduate school, the gym, and living her usual social life. “Her fitness goals aren’t centered around a gap between her thighs or six-pack abs – but on giving her brain a break from the stress and strain of school and everyday life. “Of course, though, you won’t hear her complaining about the muscles she’s gained from the 30 miles she runs each week.”Here’s the country-by country breakdown of what designers from each country told FitRated abut the changes they made to the model.Argentina:For Argentinians, the “fit” concept relies on a more skinny side, since society is surrounded with ads, media, celebrities, etc., that portrays a really slim image of what a “healthy” woman is. The media promotes fitness and wellness using models with really tiny waists who seem not to have any fat on their bodies. The market promotes the heavy consumption of food that has the advantage of being zero fat, zero sugar, zero calories, etc. This is perceived as healthy and better than eating foods with natural nutrients. The way of exercising is no better: Cardio routines are taken to an extreme and all weight training is avoided since women are against getting too “bulky.
Profimedia, Ferrari

Ferrari Press Agency                                                                     
Ref 8659	 
Shapes 1		
See Ferrari text
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A fascinating new graphic reveals how the ideal female physique can change depending on which country you live in. Designers from 15 countries were challenged  by on-line fitness products and services resource FitRated to alter an image of a 28-year-old woman to fit their country’s perception of “fit.” They were from Argentina, Chile , China, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Romania, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Ukraine and the USA.They were asked them to think about the aspects of a woman’s physique that are considered when they think of a fit body and to alter images accordingly.The  results appeared to show that people in every country appreciated a small waist and flat stomach.However, the images also show major differences in terms of how slim, athletic or curvy the preferred body type is.It turns out the “Kardashian body” may be more ideal in Peru than the U.S. The South American country was the only country that significantly increased the size of the model’s glutes. Most countries only slightly changed her chest size, as well. Mexico, China, Argentina, the Netherlands, and Nigeria gave her breasts more of an augmentation than the rest of the countries. Overall, almost all of our designers chose to alter the model’s obliques, slimming her silhouette.In the US, the desired physique appears to be athletic, with added muscle definition photoshopped onto the image. But in China, the figure was made to look slimmer, with a particular focus on a toned stomach.In  Mexico, there was more emphasis on wider hips, which the artist explained is considered sexy there. The side-profile images also show countries have different perceptions of what is desirable when it comes to the derriere.Mexico, Peru and the Netherlands and South Africa were the countries that added the most volume and definition to the rear.The Fitrated report said:  “ Artists from all 15 countries took in the waist of our model and tightened her abdomen. “While the waist was tightened and flattened, ab muscles were a prevalent focus in many countries.“The model’s arms seemed to be the least tweaked body part, with only the U.S., Spain, and Italy adding muscle definition. “The report concluded: “The ideal body has changed numerous times over the years and continues to differ between countries to this day. “As society shifts focus from being thin to fit, the ideal body will change as well. “While some countries thought the ideal fit body should have some curves, China was the only country to favour a petite frame overall. “However, getting fit isn’t about living up to your country’s version of an ideal body – it’s about being healthy and feeling comfortable in your own skin.“Argentina and China, however, altered her body to be much thinner than the rest. “While China thinned out every part of her body, Argentina kept curves in her hips and thickness in her thighs. “A thicker lower body was a common feature in most of the countries, especially Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Spain, and the U.S., where a thigh gap was almost nonexistent.“An ideal body isn’t the only or main reason people turn to fitness. “People often use exercise as a way to escape from normal life duties and stress or to work toward a healthier lifestyle. The body that results from the hard work they put in – well, that’s just a bonus.“With such a busy schedule, it would seem our model doesn’t spend all of her time in the gym, hoping to look like someone on the cover of a magazine or the Photoshopped versions of herself. “She balances her time between graduate school, the gym, and living her usual social life. “Her fitness goals aren’t centered around a gap between her thighs or six-pack abs – but on giving her brain a break from the stress and strain of school and everyday life. “Of course, though, you won’t hear her complaining about the muscles she’s gained from the 30 miles she runs each week.”Here’s the country-by country breakdown of what designers from each country told FitRated abut the changes they made to the model.Argentina:For Argentinians, the “fit” concept relies on a more skinny side, since society is surrounded with ads, media, celebrities, etc., that portrays a really slim image of what a “healthy” woman is. The media promotes fitness and wellness using models with really tiny waists who seem not to have any fat on their bodies. The market promotes the heavy consumption of food that has the advantage of being zero fat, zero sugar, zero calories, etc. This is perceived as healthy and better than eating foods with natural nutrients. The way of exercising is no better: Cardio routines are taken to an extreme and all weight training is avoided since women are against getting too “bulky.
Profimedia, Ferrari

Ferrari Press Agency                                                                     
Ref 8659	 
Shapes 1		
See Ferrari text
Picture MUST credit :

A fascinating new graphic reveals how the ideal female physique can change depending on which country you live in. Designers from 15 countries were challenged  by on-line fitness products and services resource FitRated to alter an image of a 28-year-old woman to fit their country’s perception of “fit.” They were from Argentina, Chile , China, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Romania, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Ukraine and the USA.They were asked them to think about the aspects of a woman’s physique that are considered when they think of a fit body and to alter images accordingly.The  results appeared to show that people in every country appreciated a small waist and flat stomach.However, the images also show major differences in terms of how slim, athletic or curvy the preferred body type is.It turns out the “Kardashian body” may be more ideal in Peru than the U.S. The South American country was the only country that significantly increased the size of the model’s glutes. Most countries only slightly changed her chest size, as well. Mexico, China, Argentina, the Netherlands, and Nigeria gave her breasts more of an augmentation than the rest of the countries. Overall, almost all of our designers chose to alter the model’s obliques, slimming her silhouette.In the US, the desired physique appears to be athletic, with added muscle definition photoshopped onto the image. But in China, the figure was made to look slimmer, with a particular focus on a toned stomach.In  Mexico, there was more emphasis on wider hips, which the artist explained is considered sexy there. The side-profile images also show countries have different perceptions of what is desirable when it comes to the derriere.Mexico, Peru and the Netherlands and South Africa were the countries that added the most volume and definition to the rear.The Fitrated report said:  “ Artists from all 15 countries took in the waist of our model and tightened her abdomen. “While the waist was tightened and flattened, ab muscles were a prevalent focus in many countries.“The model’s arms seemed to be the least tweaked body part, with only the U.S., Spain, and Italy adding muscle definition. “The report concluded: “The ideal body has changed numerous times over the years and continues to differ between countries to this day. “As society shifts focus from being thin to fit, the ideal body will change as well. “While some countries thought the ideal fit body should have some curves, China was the only country to favour a petite frame overall. “However, getting fit isn’t about living up to your country’s version of an ideal body – it’s about being healthy and feeling comfortable in your own skin.“Argentina and China, however, altered her body to be much thinner than the rest. “While China thinned out every part of her body, Argentina kept curves in her hips and thickness in her thighs. “A thicker lower body was a common feature in most of the countries, especially Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Spain, and the U.S., where a thigh gap was almost nonexistent.“An ideal body isn’t the only or main reason people turn to fitness. “People often use exercise as a way to escape from normal life duties and stress or to work toward a healthier lifestyle. The body that results from the hard work they put in – well, that’s just a bonus.“With such a busy schedule, it would seem our model doesn’t spend all of her time in the gym, hoping to look like someone on the cover of a magazine or the Photoshopped versions of herself. “She balances her time between graduate school, the gym, and living her usual social life. “Her fitness goals aren’t centered around a gap between her thighs or six-pack abs – but on giving her brain a break from the stress and strain of school and everyday life. “Of course, though, you won’t hear her complaining about the muscles she’s gained from the 30 miles she runs each week.”Here’s the country-by country breakdown of what designers from each country told FitRated abut the changes they made to the model.Argentina:For Argentinians, the “fit” concept relies on a more skinny side, since society is surrounded with ads, media, celebrities, etc., that portrays a really slim image of what a “healthy” woman is. The media promotes fitness and wellness using models with really tiny waists who seem not to have any fat on their bodies. The market promotes the heavy consumption of food that has the advantage of being zero fat, zero sugar, zero calories, etc. This is perceived as healthy and better than eating foods with natural nutrients. The way of exercising is no better: Cardio routines are taken to an extreme and all weight training is avoided since women are against getting too “bulky.
Profimedia, Ferrari

Ferrari Press Agency                                                                     
Ref 8659	 
Shapes 1		
See Ferrari text
Picture MUST credit :

A fascinating new graphic reveals how the ideal female physique can change depending on which country you live in. Designers from 15 countries were challenged  by on-line fitness products and services resource FitRated to alter an image of a 28-year-old woman to fit their country’s perception of “fit.” They were from Argentina, Chile , China, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Romania, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Ukraine and the USA.They were asked them to think about the aspects of a woman’s physique that are considered when they think of a fit body and to alter images accordingly.The  results appeared to show that people in every country appreciated a small waist and flat stomach.However, the images also show major differences in terms of how slim, athletic or curvy the preferred body type is.It turns out the “Kardashian body” may be more ideal in Peru than the U.S. The South American country was the only country that significantly increased the size of the model’s glutes. Most countries only slightly changed her chest size, as well. Mexico, China, Argentina, the Netherlands, and Nigeria gave her breasts more of an augmentation than the rest of the countries. Overall, almost all of our designers chose to alter the model’s obliques, slimming her silhouette.In the US, the desired physique appears to be athletic, with added muscle definition photoshopped onto the image. But in China, the figure was made to look slimmer, with a particular focus on a toned stomach.In  Mexico, there was more emphasis on wider hips, which the artist explained is considered sexy there. The side-profile images also show countries have different perceptions of what is desirable when it comes to the derriere.Mexico, Peru and the Netherlands and South Africa were the countries that added the most volume and definition to the rear.The Fitrated report said:  “ Artists from all 15 countries took in the waist of our model and tightened her abdomen. “While the waist was tightened and flattened, ab muscles were a prevalent focus in many countries.“The model’s arms seemed to be the least tweaked body part, with only the U.S., Spain, and Italy adding muscle definition. “The report concluded: “The ideal body has changed numerous times over the years and continues to differ between countries to this day. “As society shifts focus from being thin to fit, the ideal body will change as well. “While some countries thought the ideal fit body should have some curves, China was the only country to favour a petite frame overall. “However, getting fit isn’t about living up to your country’s version of an ideal body – it’s about being healthy and feeling comfortable in your own skin.“Argentina and China, however, altered her body to be much thinner than the rest. “While China thinned out every part of her body, Argentina kept curves in her hips and thickness in her thighs. “A thicker lower body was a common feature in most of the countries, especially Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Spain, and the U.S., where a thigh gap was almost nonexistent.“An ideal body isn’t the only or main reason people turn to fitness. “People often use exercise as a way to escape from normal life duties and stress or to work toward a healthier lifestyle. The body that results from the hard work they put in – well, that’s just a bonus.“With such a busy schedule, it would seem our model doesn’t spend all of her time in the gym, hoping to look like someone on the cover of a magazine or the Photoshopped versions of herself. “She balances her time between graduate school, the gym, and living her usual social life. “Her fitness goals aren’t centered around a gap between her thighs or six-pack abs – but on giving her brain a break from the stress and strain of school and everyday life. “Of course, though, you won’t hear her complaining about the muscles she’s gained from the 30 miles she runs each week.”Here’s the country-by country breakdown of what designers from each country told FitRated abut the changes they made to the model.Argentina:For Argentinians, the “fit” concept relies on a more skinny side, since society is surrounded with ads, media, celebrities, etc., that portrays a really slim image of what a “healthy” woman is. The media promotes fitness and wellness using models with really tiny waists who seem not to have any fat on their bodies. The market promotes the heavy consumption of food that has the advantage of being zero fat, zero sugar, zero calories, etc. This is perceived as healthy and better than eating foods with natural nutrients. The way of exercising is no better: Cardio routines are taken to an extreme and all weight training is avoided since women are against getting too “bulky.
Profimedia, Ferrari

Ferrari Press Agency                                                                     
Ref 8659	 
Shapes 1		
See Ferrari text
Picture MUST credit :

A fascinating new graphic reveals how the ideal female physique can change depending on which country you live in. Designers from 15 countries were challenged  by on-line fitness products and services resource FitRated to alter an image of a 28-year-old woman to fit their country’s perception of “fit.” They were from Argentina, Chile , China, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Romania, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Ukraine and the USA.They were asked them to think about the aspects of a woman’s physique that are considered when they think of a fit body and to alter images accordingly.The  results appeared to show that people in every country appreciated a small waist and flat stomach.However, the images also show major differences in terms of how slim, athletic or curvy the preferred body type is.It turns out the “Kardashian body” may be more ideal in Peru than the U.S. The South American country was the only country that significantly increased the size of the model’s glutes. Most countries only slightly changed her chest size, as well. Mexico, China, Argentina, the Netherlands, and Nigeria gave her breasts more of an augmentation than the rest of the countries. Overall, almost all of our designers chose to alter the model’s obliques, slimming her silhouette.In the US, the desired physique appears to be athletic, with added muscle definition photoshopped onto the image. But in China, the figure was made to look slimmer, with a particular focus on a toned stomach.In  Mexico, there was more emphasis on wider hips, which the artist explained is considered sexy there. The side-profile images also show countries have different perceptions of what is desirable when it comes to the derriere.Mexico, Peru and the Netherlands and South Africa were the countries that added the most volume and definition to the rear.The Fitrated report said:  “ Artists from all 15 countries took in the waist of our model and tightened her abdomen. “While the waist was tightened and flattened, ab muscles were a prevalent focus in many countries.“The model’s arms seemed to be the least tweaked body part, with only the U.S., Spain, and Italy adding muscle definition. “The report concluded: “The ideal body has changed numerous times over the years and continues to differ between countries to this day. “As society shifts focus from being thin to fit, the ideal body will change as well. “While some countries thought the ideal fit body should have some curves, China was the only country to favour a petite frame overall. “However, getting fit isn’t about living up to your country’s version of an ideal body – it’s about being healthy and feeling comfortable in your own skin.“Argentina and China, however, altered her body to be much thinner than the rest. “While China thinned out every part of her body, Argentina kept curves in her hips and thickness in her thighs. “A thicker lower body was a common feature in most of the countries, especially Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Spain, and the U.S., where a thigh gap was almost nonexistent.“An ideal body isn’t the only or main reason people turn to fitness. “People often use exercise as a way to escape from normal life duties and stress or to work toward a healthier lifestyle. The body that results from the hard work they put in – well, that’s just a bonus.“With such a busy schedule, it would seem our model doesn’t spend all of her time in the gym, hoping to look like someone on the cover of a magazine or the Photoshopped versions of herself. “She balances her time between graduate school, the gym, and living her usual social life. “Her fitness goals aren’t centered around a gap between her thighs or six-pack abs – but on giving her brain a break from the stress and strain of school and everyday life. “Of course, though, you won’t hear her complaining about the muscles she’s gained from the 30 miles she runs each week.”Here’s the country-by country breakdown of what designers from each country told FitRated abut the changes they made to the model.Argentina:For Argentinians, the “fit” concept relies on a more skinny side, since society is surrounded with ads, media, celebrities, etc., that portrays a really slim image of what a “healthy” woman is. The media promotes fitness and wellness using models with really tiny waists who seem not to have any fat on their bodies. The market promotes the heavy consumption of food that has the advantage of being zero fat, zero sugar, zero calories, etc. This is perceived as healthy and better than eating foods with natural nutrients. The way of exercising is no better: Cardio routines are taken to an extreme and all weight training is avoided since women are against getting too “bulky.
Profimedia, Ferrari

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16. veljača 2025 15:44