Prošlog tjedna je predstavila svoju inicijativu "Be Best"
ne odustaje od njih

Melania je posebno slaba na jedne cipele

U prvoj godini otkako je postala prva dama SAD-a, Melania Trump čak je 38 puta, tijekom službenih istupa, viđena u Louboutinkama i to uglavnom različitih modela. Najnovije, bijele kao snijeg, s potplatima crvenim kao krv, ponukale su nas da se podsjetimo ponajboljih njezinih izdanja u cipelama slavnog postolara.

U prvoj godini otkako je postala prva dama SAD-a, Melania Trump čak je 38 puta, tijekom službenih istupa, viđena u Louboutinkama i to uglavnom različitih modela. Najnovije, bijele kao snijeg, s potplatima crvenim kao krv, ponukale su nas da se podsjetimo ponajboljih njezinih izdanja u cipelama slavnog postolara.

Velik je ovo bio ponedjeljak za Melaniju Trump - u vrtu bijele kuće predstavila je vlastitu inicijativu nazvanu 'Be Best' koja će raditi za dobrobit djece. Dok je držala govor, bilo se teško oteti dojmu da je za prigodu odabrala savršenu, damsku, a opet tako modernu modnu kombinaciju.

Naoko jednostavan stajling uključivao je svega tri ključna komada: kožnatu jaknu u boji devine dlake s potpisom Ralph Lauren, bijelu suknju koja je tek pokrivala koljena, i odlične bijele salonke Louboutin.

Upravo su Melanijine cipele te koje izazivaju zavist kod žena - i to ne samo ove bijele ljepotice koje je posljednje pokazala, već ih ima u bezbroj modela i u cijelom duginom spektru boja. U prvoj godini od inauguracije njezina supruga Donalda Trumpa u siječnju prošle godine, iznio je statistiku: čak su 38 puta na javnim pojavljivanjima njezine noge krasile upravo famozne louboutinke.

Prisjetili smo se nekih od njezinih odličnih stajlinga kojima su cipele Louboutin podarile najbolji začin:

U.S. first lady Melania Trump walks down the White House colonnade as she arrives for the launch of her
Prošlog tjedna je predstavila svoju inicijativu "Be Best"

U.S. first lady Melania Trump departs with President Donald Trump after the launch of the first lady's Be Best initiatives in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, U.S., May 7, 2018. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

EXCLUSIVE: **Exclusive** Melania Trump visits a building in New York wearing another pair of Louboutin flat shoes and a Valentino bag. The building at 5 East 57th st hosts a Hair Salon and a Spa where Melania entered at 4.06pm and left at 7.32pm. The doorman for the building mentioned 'This is where she gets her skin done'. Pictured Thursday 9th June
Pictured: Melania Trump
<B>Ref: SPL1289318  090616   EXCLUSIVE</B><BR/>
Picture by: PC/ Splash News<BR/>
<B>Splash News and Pictures</B><BR/>
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PC/ Splash News

EXCLUSIVE: **Exclusive** Melania Trump visits a building in New York wearing another pair of Louboutin flat shoes and a Valentino bag. The building at 5 East 57th st hosts a Hair Salon and a Spa where Melania entered at 4.06pm and left at 7.32pm. The doorman for the building mentioned 'This is where she gets her skin done'. Pictured Thursday 9th June
Pictured: Melania Trump
<B>Ref: SPL1289318  090616   EXCLUSIVE</B><BR/>
Picture by: PC/ Splash News<BR/>
<B>Splash News and Pictures</B><BR/>
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New York:	212-619-2666<BR/>
London:	870-934-2666<BR/>
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PC/ Splash News

First Lady Melania Trump in a sleeveless black and white print dress with an oversized Steve McQueen leather belt and Louboutin shoes arrives on Air Force One in West Palm Beach, Florida.
Pictured: Melania Trump
<B>Ref: SPL1475380  070417  </B><BR/>
Picture by: Splash News<BR/>
<B>Splash News and Pictures</B><BR/>
Los Angeles:	310-821-2666<BR/>
New York:	212-619-2666<BR/>
London:	870-934-2666<BR/>
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Splash News

First lady Melania Trump accompanied by United States President Donald J. Trump and son Barron departs the White House in Washington, DC for a weekend in Westminster, NJ on Friday, June 30, 2017. 
Credit: Ron Sachs / CNP *** Please Use Credit from Credit Field ***, Image: 339751171, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** World Rights ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, SIPA USA
Profimedia, SIPA USA

First Lady Melania Trump attends with 2017 Secretary of State's International Women of Courage (IWOC) Award ceremony at the State Department in Washington, D.C. on March 29, 2017. Photo by /UPI, Image: 326976589, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, UPI
Profimedia, UPI

-Washington, District of Columbia - 11/3/17-United States President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump greet well wishers before departing the White House in Washington, DC, November 3, 2017 for a multi-day trip to Hawaii and then on to Asia. 

-PICTURED: Melania Trump
-, Image: 354562813, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, INSTAR Images
Profimedia, INSTAR Images

21. rujan 2024 05:14